
Showing posts from March, 2010

How to Create 2 Marker with different Info Window in Google Maps Android? -

i wonderin can create multiple marker different info window, in google maps v2 in android, in case right here, try 3 different marker, 1. school marker 2. direction (fromposition) 3. direction (toposition) note : nama_sma >> school name : nama_bemo >> taxi right now, can showing marker, problem each marker have same info window, xml : < xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:id="@+id/map_relative_layout" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context=".mainactivity" > <fragment xmlns:android="" xmlns:map="" android:id="@+id/map" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout

jquery - Expand/Collapse Text in HTML - Javascript -

i'm trying 'see more' (expand) , 'see less' (collapse) javascript code working. loop through , call javascript code on each class instance in html. this works first time appears on page. put in console.logs see works correctly. i.e. each time click 'see more' console print 'expand/collapse' once. however, each additional instance of device (on piece of text on page), won't expand @ all. what happens in second instance, console prints - "expand, collapse". both instantaneously (which means doesn't expand @ all). in third, prints - "expand, collapse, expand, collapse, expand, collapse". exponential growth... ideas? function showmoreless(element) { var showchar = 150; var ellipsestext = "..."; var moretext = "see more"; var lesstext = "see less"; var content = $(element).html(); if (content.length > showchar) { var show_content = content.substr(0, showchar); var hide_cont

styles - Long Argument Indentation in emacs -

i using "bsd" style indentation in emacs. prefer limit myself 80 character lines. there situations passing many arguments function , exceed 80 characters. when happen, insert newline. currently, if use automated indentation continuation of line, following: function __timeblock($inputday, $inputstarthour, $inputstartminute, $inputendhour, $inputendminute) however, want is: function __timeblock($inputday, $inputstarthour, $inputstartminute, $inputendhour, $inputendminute) it should line directly below first character after paren above. is there way edit indentations automatically behavior when have newline within set of parens "()"? i apply across whitespace-ignoring languages code in within emacs. this start you: (add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'my-c-mode-hook) (defun my-c-mode-hook () "customisations c-mode , derivatives." (c-set-style "bsd")) n.b. php modes i've seen derive c-mode.

return value from php to batch file -

i have batch file calls php script. php script returns value want use in batch script. php script echoes correct return value have not been able find way capture value use in batch file. i have tried number of variations on loops without success. batch script follows: @echo off setlocal "c:\program files (x86)\php\v5.3\php.exe" -f c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hello.php endlocal this of course returns "hello." how can set variable in batch file (a variable named retvar example) contain returned php call? thank you, shimon @echo off setlocal enableextensions /f "delims=" %%a in ( '"c:\program files (x86)\php\v5.3\php.exe" -f c:\inetpub\wwwroot\hello.php' ) set "retvar=%%a" echo %retvar% use for /f execute command (in in clause) , each line in command output, execute block of code (in do clase). each line, variable/replaceable parameter ( %%a in sample code) hold line. in case, output of p

javascript - webgl video delay / store and access past frames -

i'd create realtime video delay using webgl. want have rolling buffer keep number of past frames available me use within shader. i've accomplished using openframeworks , ofxplaymodes, i'm having trouble visualizing how port on javascript/webgl. conceptually can imagine how possible. first create array of textures. feed plays, iterate through texture array storing frame in each texture slot , keeping track of it's index. i gave shot, feel i'm heading in wrong direction here. gets me array each indice has same frame. var texturearray = []; var videoframe; function createandsetuptexture(gl){ var texture = gl.createtexture(); gl.bindtexture(gl.texture_2d, texture); gl.texparameteri(gl.texture_2d,gl.texture_wrap_s, gl.clamp_to_edge); gl.texparameteri(gl.texture_2d,gl.texture_wrap_t, gl.clamp_to_edge); gl.texparameteri(gl.texture_2d,gl.texture_min_filter, gl.nearest); gl.texparameteri(gl.texture_2d,gl.texture_mag_filter, gl.nearest); gl.pixelsto

node.js - How to deal with calling sequelize.sync() first? -

i'm bit new developing in nodejs, simple problem. i'm building typical webapp based on express + sequelize. i'm using sqlite in-memory since i'm prototyping @ moment. understand if use persistent sqlite file, may not problem, that's not goal @ moment. consider following: var user = sequelize.define("user", { "username": datatypes.string, // etc, etc, etc }); sequelize.sync();{ "username": "mykospark" }); at first, got error on users table not existing yet. realized sequelize.sync() being called async, , insert happening before table created. re-arranged code call inside of sequelize.sync().complete() fixes problem, i'm not sure how apply rest of project. my project uses models in bunch of different places. understanding want call sequelize.sync() once after models defined, can used freely. find way block entire nodejs app until sequelize.sync() finishes

java - Preserve image names in MySQL Blob -

i'm uploading images database in blobs file names being changed database_name-table_name.bin.png not good. is there anyway preserve name application uploads them uses? the java code (prepared statement) use upload them is: fileinputstream inputstream = null; // directory name want use file image = new file(createarticlecontroller.articledetails.get("introimg")); inputstream = new fileinputstream(image); pstmt.setbinarystream(7, (inputstream) inputstream,(int) (image.length())); database: create table if not exists `temp_article` ( `id` int(11) not null auto_increment, `title` varchar(200) collate utf8_unicode_ci not null, `author` varchar(200) collate utf8_unicode_ci not null, `author_id` int(10) not null, `type` varchar(200) collate utf8_unicode_ci not null, `date` timestamp not null default current_timestamp, `wfurl` varchar(200) collate utf8_unicode_ci not null, `intro` text collate utf8_unicode_ci not null, `intro_image` mediumblob

python - Set Mako as the default template renderer in -

is there way in bottle can set mako default template renderer. this code wanted execute: app.route(path='/', method='get', callback=func, apply=[auth], template='index.html') where: func : function returns value (a dict) auth : decorator authentication index.html : displays values "func" , contains "mako" syntax i have tried: changing .html .mako used renderer plugin: app.route(..., renderer='mako' ) tried different patterns: # used '.mako', 'index.mako', 'index.html.mako' also looked inside bottle object didn't saw hint set/change default engine: # print objects contains "template" keyword, object itself, , value in dir(app): if 'template' in i.lower(): print '{}: {}'.format(i, getattr(app, i)) you can return mako template route function: from bottle import mako_template template def func(): ... return template(

Facebook update from version 1 to version 2 -

according this , existing facebook apps using version 1 expire on april 30th, 2015. "expire" mean if developers didn't upgrade version 2, extended permissions(e.g : publish_actions, user_likes,etc ) stop functioning? make app malfunction. when version of api expires, apps still use expired version automatically start using oldest supported version of api. means if app using v1.0 calls on may 1st, 2015, calls return behavior v2.0 of api. besides that, existing facebook apps request friends data permissions (e.g : friend_about_me, friend_likes, etc ) not going work after april 30th, 2015 ? since these permissions removed. all friend_* permissions have been removed in v1.0, possible ask permissions allow app see limited amount of friend data, such person's friend's likes, birthdays, , on. in v2.0, permissions have been removed. it's no longer possible app see data person's friends unless friends have logged app , granted permission app

sencha touch - Destroy method in form panel -

i capturing geoposition using cordova api , on success, render current location on google map. when first get_position using render form follows: var geo_panel = new ext.form.panel({ usecurrentlocation: true, fullscreen: true, layout: 'fit', items: obj }); where obj toolbar defined as toolbar = ext.create('ext.toolbar', { docked: 'top', alias : 'widget.geolocationtoolbar', ui: 'light', defaults: { iconmask: true }, items: [ { xtype: 'button', ui: 'back', text: 'back', // destroy form.panel overlay , return tree store view handler: function() { geo_panel.destroy();

ios - Separate Storyboards for iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 Cause Crash in Simulator Only -

i have 2 storyboards setup in project, 1 iphone 4 , 1 iphone 5. i have setup code switch storyboards in - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions follows: cgsize iosdevicescreensize = [[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds].size; if (iosdevicescreensize.height == 480) { // instantiate new storyboard object using storyboard file named storyboard_iphone4 uistoryboard *storyboard_iphone4 = [uistoryboard storyboardwithname:@"storyboard_iphone4" bundle:nil]; // instantiate initial view controller object storyboard uiviewcontroller *initialviewcontroller = [storyboard_iphone4 instantiateinitialviewcontroller]; // instantiate uiwindow object , initialize screen size of ios device self.window = [[uiwindow alloc] initwithframe:[[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds]]; // set initial view controller root view controller of window object self.window.roo

php - isAuthorized Error... cakefolder/ two times -

i having issue, when add 'authorize' => array('controller'), in app controller everytime press edit or add or login goes following address: localhost/cakefolder/cakefolder and error: error: cakefoldercontroller not found. but when remove 'authorize' => array('controller'), appcontroller goes normal . appcontroller.php <?php class appcontroller extends controller { public $helpers = array('html', 'session', 'form' ); public $components = array( 'debugkit.toolbar', 'session', 'auth' => array( 'authorize' => array('controller'), 'authenticate' => array( 'form' => array( 'passwordhasher' => 'blowfish', 'loginredirect'=>array('controller'=>'user', 'action'=>'index'), 'logoutredirect'=>array('controller'=>'user', 'action&#

jquery - Get value inside span tag in second td element in row -

how can value in span tag in second td element of series of table rows? here example of 1 of table rows: <tr onfocus="if (window.hion){hion(this);}" onblur="if (window.hioff){hioff(this);}" onmouseout="if (window.hioff){hioff(this);}" onmouseover="if (window.hion){hion(this);}" class="datarow first"> <td colspan="1" id="j_id0:theform:selectedlist:thetable:0:leadname" class="datacell"> <span id="j_id0:theform:selectedlist:thetable:0:j_id93">shelia abraham</span> </td> <td colspan="1" id="j_id0:theform:selectedlist:thetable:0:solutioninterest" class="datacell"> <span id="j_id0:theform:selectedlist:thetable:0:j_id94">birst</span> </td> </tr> i want value span tag in second td element each row. in example above, value birst . here jquery: j$(document).ready(function(){

wx - New to wxwidgets -

i have following environment in windows: codeblocks wxwidgets , wxsmith gui builder i have created sample wxwidgets project , have access gtk+ components via wxwidgets. components created via wxsmith seems point msw components. how can change configuration default , feel gtk. i have tried replacing compiler settings: __wxmsw__ __wxgtk20__ , have encountered couple of compilation error messages: ||=== build: debug in test (compiler: gnu gcc compiler) === error: 'gtkwidget' has not been declared| error: 'gtkwidget' has not been declared| error: 'class wxwindow' has no member named 'm_scrollbar'| error: 'scrolldir_horz' not member of 'wxwindow'| error: 'class wxwindow' has no member named 'm_scrollbar'| error: 'scrolldir_vert' not member of 'wxwindow'| i believe i'm missing out something, configuration somewhere can't figure out i'm new codeblocks , wxwidgets. you can't r

java - Mocked private method getting invocked Jmockito -

i writing test case class using mockito , power mockito. 1 of public method wrote test case internally calling private method, dont care result of private method decided mock method using power mockito below powermockito.doreturn(refdatalistvo).when(mockobject, "referencedatavalues",mockito.anylist(),(referencedatalistvo)anyobject()); my referencedatavalues method below private referencedatalistvo referencedatavalues(list inputlist, referencedatalistvo referencedatalistvo) { // code } but when run code referencedatavalues method getting invoked. please me on this

angularjs empty selection on dropdown menu -

i stumbled upon problem angularjs. started learning recently, came upon issue. found few people same problem, executed coding differently me part. so, able put together. in case, trying do: in form, dropdown menu automatically chooses first option, blank reason (something angularjs default protection or something). before trying code below, code far had been working correctly. now, last section of form, stars illustrated below, opened, no matter when in fact should opened when asked. furthermore, because of faulty coding, section not work (because of faulty coding). believe correcting main problem in code below, minor problems going fix in process. anyhow, html (followed js portion) below: <blockquote ng-repeat="review in"> <b>stars: {{select.stars}}</b> {{review.body}} <cite>by: {{}}</cite> </blockquote> <form name="revi

javascript - MMORPG Server Receiving Architecture -

i'm writing game server in node.js, question architecture of receiving data client. recommended? using node.js net module: server.on('data', function(data) { // handle data }) using queue system receive , process queue? (0mq, rabbitmq...) i mean isn't node.js' event wheel queue? net module queue?

API wrapper in ruby not taking arguments? -

i writing library interact elophant api , current wrapper current game infomation looks this require "httparty" class elophant include httparty base_uri '' def initialize(name, region) @options = {query: { summoner_name: name, region: region, key: env["elophant_api_key"] }} end def self.current_game httparty.get("/v2/#{region}/in_progress_game_info/#{summoner_name}?key=#{key}", @options) end def self.summoner_info httparty.get("/v2/#{region}/summoner/#{summoner_name}?key=#{key}", @options) end end so can call elophant = elophant.current_game("summoner_name", "oce") sending info rails view so def index elophant = @currentgame = elophant.current_game("summoner_name", "oce") end except rails throws error wrong number of argumen

c++ - A class name introduced inside a class is not treated as a nested class name -

take these class definitions: class definition 1: struct { struct b* m_b; }; class definition 2: struct { struct b; b* m_b; }; both class defintions should declare b nested class. @ least, that's thought reading following draft c++11 standard: 9.1/2 class declaration introduces class name scope declared , hides class, variable, function, or other declaration of name in enclosing scope (3.3). if class name declared in scope variable, function, or enumerator of same name declared, when both declarations in scope, class can referred using elaborated-type-specifier ` however, g++ 4.8.2 treats them differently. in first definition, treats b class peer a . the following program built successfully: struct { struct b* m_b; }; void myfun(const b& b ) { } int main() { a; myfun(*a.m_b); } while following program not: struct { struct b; b* m_b; }; void myfun(const b& b ) { } int main() { a; myfun(*a.m_b); } i unde

android asynctask - Concurrent asynchronous execution more task -

hello,i want send messages more ips using tcp,i want messages concurrent asynchronous send ips,not 1 one. @override protected boolean doinbackground(string... params) { for(int i=0;i<commonutil.iplist.size();i++){ if(!commonutil.iplist.get(i).equals(fromip)){ tcpudpcommunicate.sendsinglemessage(commonutil.iplist.get(i), commonutil.local_port, xmldata); return true; }else { log.i("ee","commonutil.iplist.get(i) null"); return false; } if use .net 4.0 or above, use parallel.foreach() . should free concerns of batching tasks on fixed number of threads. look here : the code this. int notfromipcount = 0; parallel.foreach(commonutil.iplist, ip => { bool isnotfromip = !ip.equals(fromip); if (isnotfromip) { tcpudpcommunicate.sendsinglemessage(ip, commonutil.local_port, xmldata);

ios - Error when setting values from JSON on my UITableViewCell -

i have problem when set values on uitableviewcell . data web service in json format, created class contains data json. that class. refunds.h #import <foundation/foundation.h> @interface refunds : nsobject -(id)initwithjsondata:(nsdictionary*)data; @property (assign) nsnumber *refunds_id; @property (assign) nsnumber *request_number; @property (strong) nsstring *policy_code; @property (strong) nsstring *company; @end refunds.m #import "refunds.h" @implementation refunds @synthesize refunds_id; @synthesize request_number; @synthesize policy_code; @synthesize company; -(id)initwithjsondata:(nsarray*)data{ self = [super init]; if(self){ nslog(@"initwithjsondata method called "); //nsstring *u = [data valueforkey:@"policy_code"]; //nslog(@"%@",u); refunds_id = [data valueforkey:@"id"]; request_number = [data valueforkey:@"request_number"]; policy_code = [data valu - IE Browser truncating request -

i tried sending ajax request 20 kb of data.. using internet explorer ajax post call, found ajax call sending 20 kb of data correctly, same data not coming in asp code, when try data using request.form("itemids"). var strurl="/logix/folder-feeds.aspx?action=transferoffers"; $.ajax({ type:"post", url: strurl, data : { content : 'application/json', sfolder: sourcefolder, dfolder : destinationfolder, fromofferlist : false, itemids : json.stringify(selecteditems), actionitem : actionele.value }, //traditional:true, success: function (data) { updatepage(data.trim()) }}); i able 20 kb of data when did ajax post using mozilla firefox. i believe ie chopping request. there setting, need fix this?

objective c - NSURLRequest with url containing special characters -

i'm having same problem as: nsurl special characters but tried solution. can't nsurlrequest work åöä characters. if variable "string" contains åöä request return null. tried nsisolatin1stringencoding. nsstring *encodedstring = [string stringbyaddingpercentescapesusingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding]; nsstring *urlstring = [nsstring stringwithformat: @"", encodedstring]; nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring: urlstring]; nsurlrequest *request = [[nsurlrequest alloc] initwithurl:url]; this works: (åöä) any ideas? edit: using debugger nsurl looks correct: string __nscfstring * @"åäö" 0x0a77cd60 encodedstring __nscfstring * @"%c3%a5%c3%a4%c3%b6" 0x0a77fc40 url nsurl * @"

ios - How to implement PSCollectionView? -

ive searched answer other questions didnt me. im trying implement collection view existing project. cant seem understand block of code? self.collectionview = [[pscollectionview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectzero]; self.collectionview.delegate = self; // uiscrollviewdelegate self.collectionview.collectionviewdelegate = self; self.collectionview.collectionviewdatasource = self; self.collectionview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor]; self.collectionview.autoresizingmask = ~uiviewautoresizingnone; what "self.collectionview" ? have create in storyboard ? dont know how use storyboard, use code please me guys self.collectionview seem property @property(nonatomic, strong) pscollectionview *collectionview; no need use storyboard or nib.simply create property , initialise pscollectionview , implement datasource , delegate methods.

Excel Web Services Javascript API in embedded excel using excel mashup ( Asynchronous function calling inside a for loop) -

below embedded excel file using excelmashup [] . trying manupulate excel data using microsoft javascript api (jsom, ewa namespce object). to view excel can save below code , use local server launch html. ![embedde excel view in browser][1] i trying change value of a1 using loop change value of a18( a18 = a1+a2), there asynchronous function .getrangea1async('a1',inputcall,null); but problem .getrangea1async not calling callback function inputcall. everytime inputcall taking value of =5; if have idea problem or solution, appreciated. in advance. i new @ javascript coding. <div id="myexceldiv" style="width: 550px; height: 550px"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var filetoken = "sd3d1427d14bcfa9e8!126/4401186515721365992/t=0&s=0

dsl - when to use cross-reference and when use containment reference? -

i need implement domain specific language. have panel , shapes on it. 'panel' name = id '(' title = string',' bgcolor = color',' width = int',' height = int ')''{'((rects += rect)| (ellipse += ellipse)|(arcs += arc)|)*'}' and each shape has unique rule other features. example: roundrect: 'roundrectangle' name = id '{' (fill ?= 'filled' (fillpattern?='fillpattern' fillpaint=paint)?)? (stroke?='stroke' str=stroke)? 'paint' paint=paint 'coordination' x=int ',' y=int 'dimention' height=int ',' width=int 'arc' archeight=int ',' arcwidth=int '}' as obvious in dsl, used references. don't know rules correct or should use cross-reference in those? rule works fine , receive correct output expected. know when feature not of basic type (string, integer, , on), reference (an instance of ereference),this containment

c# - How to deny user to access Webform in webconfig -

i working on application. not use identity or membership, has own security system. i have role table roleid pk , rolename. have added administrative forms , want user admin view them. if membership using in rolemanager deny users how in web config of current scenario. if these forms in controls possibly: visible="<%# checkedit_status() %>"

python - Converting text in Matplotlib when exporting .eps files -

i'd able save matplotlib plots , add them directly vector graphics in microsoft word documents. however, format supported word , matplotlib both .eps, , axis text missing in word if try. i'll show you: here's minimal working example script: import matplotlib.pyplot plt import numpy np axes = plt.gca() data = np.random.random((2, 100)) axes.plot(data[0, :], data[1, :]) here's image get if save plot .png using figure's toolbar here's image get if save plot .eps , insert word. apparently, way matplotlib saves text in .eps files incompatible way word reads text .eps files. exported .eps files fine in ps_view. i can think of 2 workarounds, don't know how implement them or if @ possible in matplotlib: vectorise text embedded paths. supported matplotlib's svg backend setting rcparam 'svg.fonttype' 'path', doesn't seem directly supported ps backend. ideal workaround. there way this? rasterise only text when exporting

android - How is the view in Google Play Music Artists called? -

i wondered how specific image view in artist section of google play music app called. when clicking on artist image of artist @ top , listview right below. when scrolling down "imageview" doesn't behave normal view, scrolls slower views below it. here's screenshot: as might see, imageview scrolled less container below of (small arrow imageview, long arrow container) does know how view ist called? edit : i making research , found following class: is possible that's same view searching for? however, following documented in class: height := width * factor so guess that's searching for, maybe take @ it? after doing research found i've searched for: view called "parallaxscrollview".

How to install TShell for Windows Phone 8.1? -

microsoft has introduced tshell recently. the links tshell installation aren't there. can me install it? you need download microsoft, using oem account. there more detailed instructions on msdn @ .

java - Generate EXCEL from XML using XSLT -

i have below xml in place. want generate excel out of using xslt. i'm new , have no idea on how generate xls xml , how use xslt. xml -- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <mig:menu-compare xmlns:mig="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation=""> <mig:menu-info> <mig:menu type="one" name="hcota"/> <mig:menu type="two" name="rtacof"/> </mig:menu-info> <mig:field-details> <mig:fields existence="one"> <mig:field name="tachrgoffmsg.tachrgoffcrit.funccode"> <mig:field-type type="one"> <mig:group-name>cota</mig:group-name> <mig:page-name>cotacrit</mig:page-name>

c# - Ignore Certificate Error in a Web Service? -

is there way of ignoring ssl certificate errors? i have developed web service until has been running locally using http, has been moved externally , needs communicate via https. certificate testing purposes self-signed , therefore not trusted , getting error the provided uri scheme 'https' invalid; expected 'http'. web.config <system.servicemodel> <bindings> <basichttpbinding> <binding name="remotesoap" /> </basichttpbinding> </bindings> <client> <endpoint address="https://mydomainwebservice:8444/test.asmx" binding="basichttpbinding" bindingconfiguration="remotesoap" contract="remoteservice.remotesoap" name="remotesoap" /> </client> </system.servicemodel> if add following security element following error the remote certificate invalid according validation procedure. seems caused th

Crystal reports parameter vanishes; how do I make it stop? -

i've created dozens of crystal reports , modified hundreds, , today first time.... created parameter. added conditions on in record selection formula. ran report. crystal prompted value , provided it. crystal throws formula editor flagging parameter not existing. checked field explorer, , parameter not there. recreated parameter, still in formula. ran report. crystal prompted value , provided it. crystal rendered report expected. made other unrelated changes. ran report. crystal throws formula editor flagging parameter not existing. checked field explorer, , parameter not there. a colleague had experienced same problem has no solution. google finds lot of pages prompt text , values disappearing, haven't seen whole parameter disappearing. update: isn't disappearing more, isn't working, , when try delete it, not have "delete" on menu.

java - Android Support Library v17 -

i downloaded eclipse 4.4 luna , installed latest adt 20 on it. now, new templates new android project included. 1 of them "android tv activity". the existing code uses android support library v17!! import android.content.context; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.log; import android.view.view; import android.view.viewgroup; but cannot find new support library v17 anywhere! i've searched, , still cannot find it. can find it? the leanback library available in support repository. if you're using gradle can using: compile "" you can install support repository package via sdk manager, , can see gradle pulls dependency @ <sdk root>/extras/android/m2repository/com/android