sencha touch - Destroy method in form panel -

i capturing geoposition using cordova api , on success, render current location on google map.

when first get_position using render form follows:

var geo_panel = new ext.form.panel({             usecurrentlocation: true,             fullscreen: true,             layout: 'fit',             items: obj         }); 

where obj toolbar defined as

toolbar = ext.create('ext.toolbar', {                 docked: 'top',                 alias : 'widget.geolocationtoolbar',                 ui: 'light',                 defaults: {                     iconmask: true                 },                 items: [                     {                         xtype: 'button',                         ui: 'back',                         text: 'back',                         // destroy form.panel overlay , return tree store view                         handler: function() {                             geo_panel.destroy();                         }                     },                     {                         xtype: 'button',                         itemid: 'stopwatch',                         text: 'stopwatch',                         iconcls: 'arrow_right',                         iconmask: true,                         handler: function() {                             evaluateit.utils.utilityservice.clear_watch();                         }                     },                     {                         xtype: 'selectfield',                         itemid: 'accuracy',                         autoselect: false,                         placeholder: 'accuracy',                         options: [                             {text: ''},                             {text: 'high',  value: 5},                             {text: 'med high',  value: 10},                             {text: 'medium',  value: 15},                             {text: 'med low',  value: 20},                             {text: 'low',  value: 66}                         ],                         listeners: {                             change: function(field, value) {                                 if (value instanceof {                                     value = value.get(field.getvaluefield());                                 }                                 console.log(value);                                 // set accuracy config variable                                 evaluateit.config.accuracy = value;                             }                         }                     },                     {                         iconcls: 'home',                         handler: function() {                             google_map.getmap().panto(position);                         }                     }                 ]             }); 

this renders fine in form panel.

my onsuccess method passes argument add google_map geo_panel form panel. have tried geo_panel.add(toolbar, google_map), works, issue of when hit "back" button in toolbar above:

{     xtype: 'button',     ui: 'back',     text: 'back',     // destroy form.panel overlay , return tree store view     handler: function() {         geo_panel.destroy();     } }, 

i have click twice: first time destroys google_map , second destroys toolbar. undesirable behavior. i've tried destroying each of items in geo_panel, other weird things. acting there multiple instances of geo_panel. ideas?

i figured out: creating 2 instances of geo_panel. refactored code , works desired.


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