How to Create 2 Marker with different Info Window in Google Maps Android? -

i wonderin can create multiple marker different info window, in google maps v2 in android, in case right here, try 3 different marker, 1. school marker 2. direction (fromposition) 3. direction (toposition)

note : nama_sma >> school name : nama_bemo >> taxi

right now, can showing marker, problem each marker have same info window, xml :

 <       xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:id="@+id/map_relative_layout" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context=".mainactivity" >   <fragment     xmlns:android=""     xmlns:map=""      android:id="@+id/map"     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:layout_above="@+id/layout1"     class=""/>     </> 

nb : mapwrapperlayout wrapper customizing info window in apps

this activity

public class map_result extends fragmentactivity {         googlemap map;     private dbdatasource datasource;     private viewgroup infowindow;     private textview infotitle;     private textview infosnippet;     private button infobutton2;     //this class adding button in info window     private oninfowindowelemtouchlistener infobuttonlistener2;       latlng querypoint;       latlng querypoint_jalur, querypoint_jalur2;    //nama_bemo == taxi string nama_bemo=""; string latitude_asal=""; string longitude_asal=""; string latitude_tujuan=""; string longitude_tujuan=""; string temp_jalur=""; string temp_jalur2="";   double lat_jalur=0.0;    double lon_jalur=0.0;   double lat_jalur2=0.0;    double lon_jalur2=0.0;       string lat, lon;  string temp, nama_sma;   @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(;             datasource = = new dbdatasource(this);             //make database open;              map = ((supportmapfragment) getsupportfragmentmanager().findfragmentbyid(;         this.infowindow     = (viewgroup)getlayoutinflater().inflate(r.layout.custom_info_window, null);         this.infotitle      = (textview)infowindow.findviewbyid(;         this.infosnippet    = (textview)infowindow.findviewbyid(;         this.infobutton2    = (button)infowindow.findviewbyid(;             this.infobuttonlistener2 = new oninfowindowelemtouchlistener(infobutton2,                 getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.custom_btn_beige),                 getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.custom_btn_orange)) {              @override             protected void onclickconfirmed(view v, marker marker) {                 // todo auto-generated method stub                  }                             }         };         this.infobutton2.setontouchlistener(infobuttonlistener2);             //method see map             seemap();         private void seemap()        {          final mapwrapperlayout mapwrapperlayout = (mapwrapperlayout)findviewbyid(;             //an array list getting 2 point (fromposition) , (toposition) taxi     arraylist<sma> list_jalur = datasource.getallpoint_jalur_sma(id_sma);           (int i2 = 0; i2 < list_jalur.size(); i2++)          {            nama_bemo        = list_jalur.get(i2).getnama_bemo();             latitude_asal    = list_jalur.get(i2).getlat_asal_bemo();            longitude_asal   = list_jalur.get(i2).getlon_asal_bemo();              latitude_tujuan  = list_jalur.get(i2).getlat_tujuan_bemo();            longitude_tujuan     = list_jalur.get(i2).getlon_tujuan_bemo();             temp_jalur       = latitude_asal + longitude_asal;             temp_jalur2      = latitude_tujuan + longitude_tujuan;              string[] splitcoordinate_jalur = temp_jalur.split(", ");             lat_jalur = double.valueof(splitcoordinate_jalur[0]);              lon_jalur = double.valueof(splitcoordinate_jalur[1]);                       //this latlng (from position)                     querypoint_jalur = new latlng(lat_jalur, lon_jalur);                      string[] splitcoordinate_jalur2 = temp_jalur2.split(", ");             lat_jalur2 = double.valueof(splitcoordinate_jalur2[0]);             lon_jalur2 = double.valueof(splitcoordinate_jalur2[1]);                      //this latlng (from toposition)              querypoint_jalur2 = new latlng(lat_jalur2, lon_jalur2);                //if type of taxi                if(nama_bemo.equals("a"))                {                   map.addpolyline(new polylineoptions()                 .add(querypoint_jalur, querypoint_jalur2)                 .width(7)                 .color(;                   // question right here, until here,                   //i can create marker in map, marker                   //have 1 same info windows. in case, in code below,                   //i try make marker different infowindow                  map.addmarker(new markeroptions()                     .position(querypoint_jalur2)                     .icon(bitmapdescriptorfactory.fromresource(r.drawable.pin_smk)));                      map.addmarker(new markeroptions()                     .position(querypoint_jalur)                     .icon(bitmapdescriptorfactory.fromresource(r.drawable.pin_smk)));                       }                 }        //this loop getting school data       (int = 0; < this.list.size(); i++)        {              //school name          nama_sma       = list.get(0).getnama().tostring();                           lat            = list.get(i).getlatitude().tostring();          lon            = list.get(i).getlongitude().tostring();           temp   = lat + lon;               string[] splitcoordinate = temp.split(", ");           = double.valueof(splitcoordinate[0]);          b = double.valueof(splitcoordinate[1]);               //this marker of school position              querypoint = new latlng(a, b);               map.setmylocationenabled(true);                  map.movecamera(cameraupdatefactory.newlatlngzoom(querypoint,13));                  //this is setup custom info window                  map.setinfowindowadapter(new infowindowadapter() {                         @override                         public view getinfowindow(marker marker) {                             // todo auto-generated method stub                                 infotitle.settext(marker.gettitle());                             infosnippet.settext(marker.getsnippet());                             infobuttonlistener2.setmarker(marker);                             mapwrapperlayout.setmarkerwithinfowindow(marker, infowindow);                             return infowindow;                         }                          @override                         public view getinfocontents(marker marker) {                             // todo auto-generated method stub                             return null;                         }                     });                                    map.addmarker(new markeroptions()                         .position(querypoint)                         .title(nama_sma)                   } 

the problem is, 3 marker (fromposition), (toposition), , (school marker) showing same info window, can me? create different info window in each marker? needed. thank before

edit: if want have different info window each marker, have create view each 1 of them. create map info windows of markers , use marker id key, can check if created view.

try this:

private map<string,viewgroup> infowindows = new hashmap<string,viewgroup>();  ...   @override  public view getinfowindow(marker marker) {     // or create infowindows here instead of in oncreate     viewgroup infowindow = infowindows.get(marker.getid());     if(infowindow==null){         //if info window not yet created marker, create         infowindow = (viewgroup)getlayoutinflater().inflate(r.layout.custom_info_window, null);         button infobutton = (button)infowindow.findviewbyid(;         infobutton.setontouchlistener(infobuttonlistener2);         infowindows.put(marker.getid(), infowindow);     }      // set or update texts     ((textview)infowindow.findviewbyid(;     ((textview)infowindow.findviewbyid(;      //why need set marker listener?     infobuttonlistener2.setmarker(marker);     mapwrapperlayout.setmarkerwithinfowindow(marker, infowindow);      return infowindow;  } 


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