ios - How to implement PSCollectionView? -

ive searched answer other questions didnt me. im trying implement collection view existing project. cant seem understand block of code?

 self.collectionview = [[pscollectionview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectzero];  self.collectionview.delegate = self; // uiscrollviewdelegate  self.collectionview.collectionviewdelegate = self;  self.collectionview.collectionviewdatasource = self;  self.collectionview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor];  self.collectionview.autoresizingmask = ~uiviewautoresizingnone; 

what "self.collectionview" ? have create in storyboard ? dont know how use storyboard, use code please me guys

self.collectionview seem property

@property(nonatomic, strong) pscollectionview *collectionview; 

no need use storyboard or nib.simply create property , initialise pscollectionview , implement datasource , delegate methods.


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