Crystal reports parameter vanishes; how do I make it stop? -

i've created dozens of crystal reports , modified hundreds, , today first time....

  1. created parameter.
  2. added conditions on in record selection formula.
  3. ran report.
  4. crystal prompted value , provided it.
  5. crystal throws formula editor flagging parameter not existing.
  6. checked field explorer, , parameter not there.
  7. recreated parameter, still in formula.
  8. ran report.
  9. crystal prompted value , provided it.
  10. crystal rendered report expected.
  11. made other unrelated changes.
  12. ran report.
  13. crystal throws formula editor flagging parameter not existing.
  14. checked field explorer, , parameter not there.

a colleague had experienced same problem has no solution.

google finds lot of pages prompt text , values disappearing, haven't seen whole parameter disappearing.

update: isn't disappearing more, isn't working, , when try delete it, not have "delete" on menu.


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