
Showing posts from January, 2013

java - Eclipse product issue with Juno - Require-Bundle: -

we using swt eclipse based app on eclipse indigo 3.x version. plan migrate eclipse juno whcih 4.x. followed instructions here - after resolving few issues stuck @ following exc.: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: bundle "org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.103.0.v20120530-1824 [279]" not resolved. reason: missing constraint: require-bundle:; bundle-version="1.0.0" @ org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.abstractbundle.getresolvererror( @ org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.abstractbundle.getresolutionfailureexception( ...... ...... org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.eventmanager.dispatchevent( @ org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.eventmanager$ !entry org.eclipse.ui.forms 4 0 2014-06-25 18:38:38.526 !message frameworkevent error !s

which open source projects used Mylyn plugin? -

i know using mylyn plug-in can track developer's interaction different parts of source code. in eclipse bug tracking system (bugzilla) of issues there attachment file called includes interaction history collected mylyn specific bug. i'm wondering there other open source projects use mylyn , developers attached same file ( project's issue tracking system? up till i've never seen attached / issue. when @ projects @ github, can connect mylyn issues on github. when commiting in git , starting #issue-id (like #4 ) , additional message. easy see files relevant issue, appear comments under issue. most scm systems have support showing files effected issue, if issue-id part of commit message. (mostly 1 need start issue-id in commit message).

Regex not within <script> tags -

this question has answer here: regular expression pattern not matching anywhere in string 8 answers need regex. i'd match within given string of html matches pattern \*[a-z0-9\_]+\* not fall in between <script> start , end tags. know has lookarounds, haven't clue how there. using regex lookaround. can use: (?!<script>)\*[a-z0-9\_]+\*(?!</script>) that match regex if not preceded , postceded script

jquery - Incrementing in JavaScript -

i'm trying create sliding sidebar , wondering if there better way doing already. <img id = "menuicon" src = "menuicon.png" alt = "menu icon" onclick = "slidesidebar()" /> at moment check if sideslidecount - if sidebar must not out, when function called slides out; if sideslidecount odd (i.e. % 2 != 0) sidebar should slide out of view. var sideslidecount = 0; // variable used side bar var bodyheight = $(window).height(); var bodywidth = $(window).width(); console.log(bodywidth); function slidesidebar() { if (sideslidecount % 2 == 0) { // if sideslidecount even, i.e. side bar hidden $("#sidebar").animate({width: bodywidth / 6}, 600); // slide bar out 300 width, 0.6 seconds $("#sidelinks").fadeto(1000, 0.8); // fade links view, 1 second, 100% opacity } else { // else, if side bar in view $("#sidebar").fadein(300).animate({width: 0}, 600); // slide bar out of v

=> in Google Python Example -

so i'm new python , trying work through google python online class [] i running python 2.7.5 , when try example has issues =>. i've tried searching google explanations, have come empty. appreciated. error message below. sandbox$./ file "./", line 8 match ='iii', 'piiig') => found, == "iii" ^ code program : #!/usr/bin/python import re ## search pattern 'iii' in string 'piiig'. ## of pattern must match, may appear anywhere. ## on success, matched text. match ='iii', 'piiig') => found, == "iii" match ='igs', 'piiig') => not found, match == none ## . = char \n match ='..g', 'piiig') => found, == "iig&qu

profiling - Is there a good line profiler for ruby? -

i need process time each line in ruby script, couldn't find suitable gem. i use line_profiler in python , it's useful. i try rblineprof , ruby-prof .

android - Using RunOnUI to pass data from a Service to an Activity -

need bit of here, trying create service uses microphone listen peaks in audio frequency. service should run in background , update ui frequency information when there peak. app launches , fc's due seems running out of memory. i've tried debugging , following threads new @ , can't seem decipher doing wrong. here activity: public class rtaactivity extends activity { private static final string tag = "rtatest"; private intent intent; @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate){ super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.rta_view); intent = new intent(this, analyzeservice.class); } private broadcastreceiver broadcastreceiver = new broadcastreceiver() { @override public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) { android.os.debug.waitfordebugger(); // check logcat updateui(intent); } }; @override publ

java - How to cascade the update of @Version when you update its children? -

problem: i have parent class @version on attribute "lastupdate" concurrency checking. parent class has @onetomany relationship , when update children update field "lastupdate" such happens when update other fields. in jpa there @optmisticlocking(cascade = true) operation, couldn't find similar option ebean orm in play2. important : there no cascadetype between classes. code: @entity public class child extends model { @manytoone() @joincolumn(name="parent_id") public parent parent; } @entity public class parent extends model { @version public date lastupdate; @onetomany(mappedby = "parent") public list<child> children = new arraylist<child>(); } public class application extends controller { public void updatechild(parent p, child c) { ...; // or c.update() p.children.set(c); // imagine real code here updating, adding or removing child. p.update(); return; } }

jquery - Adding logic on the Cancel/Ok modal popup window click,Foundation 5 Modal -

i trying figure out silly thing work couple of hours,but doesnt seem working.i got foundation 5 modal alert window working javascript.i have prevent delete operation if user clicks on cancel button(on alert) , delete if click on ok or cross(x) icon right. here mark , javascript that <div class="reveal-modal small" id="firstmodal" data-reveal> <p>are sure?</p> <a href="#" class="close-reveal-modal" id="alert-close">&times;</a> <a href="#" class="button alert" id="alert-cancel">cancel</a> <a href="#" class="button alert" id="alert-ok">ok</a> </div> and javascript $('#firstmodal').foundation('reveal', 'open'); i tried adding callback after 'open' doesnt seem working.also tried catching cancel/ok buttons click event using jquery

How do you convert opengl texture back to bitmap in android? -

i wanted apply image-filter image , used android helloeffects sample it converts image data bitmap texture. after applying image filter effect, i'd image in jpeg format, don't know how that. i did in 1 way , i converted texture image bitmap using glreadpixles() method i saved bitmap sd card texture bitmap code public static bitmap savepixels(int x, int y, int w, int h){ int b[]=new int[w*(y+h)]; int bt[]=new int[w*h]; intbuffer ib = intbuffer.wrap(b); ib.position(0); gles20.glreadpixels(0, 0, w, h, gles20.gl_rgba, gles20.gl_unsigned_byte, ib); for(int i=0, k=0; i<h; i++, k++) {//remember, opengl bitmap incompatible android bitmap //and so, correction need. for(int j=0; j<w; j++) { int pix=b[i*w+j]; int pb=(pix>>16)&0xff; int pr=(pix<<16)&0x00ff0000; int pix1=(pix&0xff00ff00) | pr | pb; bt[(h-k-1)*w+j]=pix1;

objective c - javascript inject in uiwebview of iOS 8 -

i testing project in ios 8 preview 2. , faces 2 problems uiwebview use following code inject script nsstring *jsclose_window = @"function close_window(){ document.location ='myschema://function=close_window'; }"; [self.webview stringbyevaluatingjavascriptfromstring:jsclose_window]; in "-(void)webviewdidfinishload:(uiwebview *)webview" , response in - (bool)webview:(uiwebview *)webview shouldstartloadwithrequest:(nsurlrequest *)request navigationtype:(uiwebviewnavigationtype)navigationtype it works fine in ios 7.1 , earlier. in ios 8 preview 2 1.document.location = 'myschema://function=close_window'; seems not working anymore? can't response in "shouldstartloadwithrequest" ios 7.1 , earlier every time page redirect another (ex:page1.html -> page2.html -> page3.html) "webviewdidfinishload" triggered in every page. but, in ios 8 preview 2 triggered once in first page how fix these?, or new li

Splitting string by two conditions in 2014 -

i'm trying split string list of strings code, while adding dictionary of string: objevt.wbstr.add(b, objevt.metalbelowwidth.item(b).split({",","-"}).tolist) but error saying "value of '1-dimentitional arrary of string' cannot converted 'char' " if try implement splitting comma, works fine. following code works. objevt.wbstr.add(b, objevt.metalbelowwidth.item(b).split(",").tolist) but want split string 2 conditions. appreciated. thanks! one of overloads of split method takes string array needs have stringsplitoption parameter set. objevt.wbstr.add(b, objevt.metalbelowwidth.item(b).split(new string() {",", "-"}, stringsplitoptions.none).tolist) sub main() dim mystring string = "h,c,j-hello-world" dim mylist list(of string) = new list(of string) mylist = mystring.split(new string() {"-", ","}, stringsplitoptions.none).tolist

What does this debug log of Storm mean? -

i learned storm, , tested wordcount example code here . uses setdebug(true) enable debug logging. confused these debug information: 13867 [storm.starter.wordcounttopology.main()] info backtype.storm.daemon.nimbus - setting new assignment topology id word-count-1-1403745226: #backtype.storm.daemon.common.assignment{:master-code-dir "/tmp/4ef1358b-92ce-4051-a4ce- b33a25ace66d/nimbus/stormdist/word-count-1-1403745226", :node->host {"47fdd74b-65e0-4650- a000-f1f0418dd7c7" "ms-virtualbox"}, :executor->node+port {[2 2] ["47fdd74b-65e0-4650-a000- f1f0418dd7c7" 1027], [3 3] ["47fdd74b-65e0-4650-a000-f1f0418dd7c7" 1027], [4 4] ["47fdd74b- 65e0-4650-a000-f1f0418dd7c7" 1027], [5 5] ["47fdd74b-65e0-4650-a000-f1f0418dd7c7" 1027], [6 6] ["47fdd74b-65e0-4650-a000-f1f0418dd7c7" 1027], [7 7] ["47fdd74b-65e0-4650-a000- f1f0418dd7c7" 1027], [8 8] ["47fdd74b-65e0-4650-a000-f1f0418dd7c7" 102

java - How to display lat/long markers on google map v2 android -

i'm working on android app web services, using external database. app consists of several tasks , each task assigned each camera id. each camera have specific long/lat stored in database. right when select specific task, there guide button showing user current location marker in google map. want display long/lat of task marker on google map, there 2 marker. need android coding. appreciated! public class googlemapactivity extends activity implements locationlistener { googlemap map; private string cameraid; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_google_map); locationmanager lm = (locationmanager) getsystemservice(context.location_service); lm.requestlocationupdates(locationmanager.network_provider, 0, 0, this); map = ((mapfragment) getfragmentmanager().findfragmentbyid( .getmap(); } @override public void onlocationchan

Ruby on Rails Best Practices For Third Party Integration Code Placement -

i've looked @ other postings , blog postings on it's best place third party integration code naturally, there's plethora of opinions , answers hoping more definitive answer scenario. here's quick breakdown of user story: when user on profile page, have ability ask refresh of twitter , / or facebook info. models: class user < activerecord::base has_one :twitter_account has_one :facebook_account end class twitteraccount < activerecord::base belongs_to :user end class facebookaccount < activerecord::base belongs_to :user end what i'm looking for: when user wants update twitter account info, want able call method returns me fetched account info. somewhere handles auth, fetching, posting, , parsing of json response. want keep logic outside of model because it's going cluttered , methods behave little outside of norm mvc of app. the current implementation i've been going making separate classes in /lib each integration entitie

javascript - Onblur returns wrong data -

my form check not work. if leave alias field empty returns name field filled. var alias = document.getelementbyid("alias"); var name = document.getelementbyid("name"); var status = ''; function checkit() { if (alias.value != '') { document.getelementbyid("alias").style.bordercolor = "#3c763d"; return true; } else { document.getelementbyid("alias").style.bordercolor = "#a94442"; status = false; } if (name.value != '') { document.getelementbyid("name").style.bordercolor = "#3c763d"; return true; } else { document.getelementbyid("name").style.bordercolor = "#a94442"; status = false; } } name.onblur=checkit; alias.onblur=checkit; try this, should use current object this instead of global variable when eventing firing var alias = document.getelementbyid("ali

ruby on rails - Check if voted for scope - acts as votable -

the acts_as_votable gem allows check if user voted votable model. user.voted_on?(@votable) the gem allows cast votes using scope, vote_scope: 'funny', vote_scope: 'useful' i wondering how check if user voted on object, in specific scope. i imagine code like user.voted_on? @votable, vote_scope: 'funny' is possible gem? yes, example syntax correct: user.voted_on? @votable, vote_scope: 'funny' the voted_on? , voted_for? methods accept :vote_scope option.

java - Minimal Hibernate 4 XML configuration with Spring 3 for annotation based transaction management and object mapping? -

assuming i've got working spring project minimal amount of configuration needed add in hibernate 4 spring 3 xml configuration? want use annotation based transaction management , have objects mapped using annotations. note: self-answer q&a style question intended give canonical answer common problem. intend expand question on time keep date hibernate. i find using hibernate spring's xml config intuitive, if you've never added project before, can pain working correctly. using spring's xml config preferred option hibernate 4. so you've set spring project , got working. want add hibernate. i configure hibernate in separate xml file called database-servlet.xml inside web-inf directory, name doesn't matter long on classpath. my new database-servlet.xml looks this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="

javascript - opencart contact page captcha is not comming -

i facing problem captcha not coming on contact page. please have look. then set on local host , did modification according thread opencart, oc, captcha error , started working on local then did same thing on server captcha problem still there please me in issue "headers sent" means php script sent http headers, , such can't make modifications them now. check 2 things 1) check don't send content before calling session_start. 2) <?php first character not tab or space

javascript - Find Single Quote in Array (JS, jQuery or PHP) -

first, sorry bad english ;) i have array this: ["47'", "", "messi", "l."] (output .split(" ")) sometime its: ["messi", "l.", "", "47'"] now need find time (by '), name , lastname have no idea how time (once position of time know position of other). programming skills not best, use code snippets found , try understand , learn them. for better understanding: loop on this <tr class="score_row"> <td class="home">47' <span class="slball"></span>messi l.</td> <td class="away">ronaldo c.<span="yellowcard"></span> 68'</td> </tr> <tr class="score_row"> ... </tr> and want put in json array {"lastname":"messi","name":"l.","time":"47","type":"slball"

javascript - TimeEntry Js function not working for Dynamically added textboxes -

<td style='vertical-align: middle;'><input name='drivetimedayslots[" + index + "].starttime' class='smalltxtentry0 drivetimedayslot hastimeentry' id='drivetimedayslots_" + index + "_starttime' type='text' value='' onchange='drivetimedayslotvalueonchnge(this)' data-timeentry='show24hours: true, showseconds: true, defaulttime: 00:00:00'/></td>" + "<td style='vertical-align: middle;'><input name='drivetimedayslots[" + index + "].endtime' class='smalltxtentry0 drivetimedayslot hastimeentry' id='drivetimedayslots_" + index + "_endtime' type='text' value='' onchange='drivetimedayslotvalueonchnge(this)' data-timeentry='show24hours: true, showseconds: true, defaulttime:00:00:00'/></td>" + "<td style='vertical-align: middle;'&

javascript - KnockoutJs Visible doesn't work -

i want <td> visible or invisible depending on boolean value in javascript. my html is: <!-- ... --> <tbody data-bind="foreach: entries"> <tr> <td data-bind="visible: editable()"> <a href="#" data-bind="click: $root.removeentry">remove</a> </td> </tr> </tbody> <!-- ... --> and javascript this: //... function tableentryviewmodel(){ editable: ko.observable(false); //... } when loads data loads first entry , stops. here's error get. uncaught typeerror: unable process binding "visible: function (){return editable() }" message: string not function this isn't exact replica of programm, if make work i'm sure you'll me lot: ok, can see example you're trying do. i've posted modified version here: javascript: f

c# - String format to convert datetime causes an error -

i try convert persiandate standard date .so persian date has these formats (it means user can enter these formats : 1392/1/1 1392/01/01 1392/01/1 1392/1/01 so write function convert persian date standard date : public datetime convertpeersiantoenglish(string persiandate) { string[] formats = { "yyyy/mm/dd" }; datetime d1 = datetime.parseexact(persiandate, formats, cultureinfo.currentculture, datetimestyles.none); persiancalendar persian_date = new persiancalendar(); datetime dt = persian_date.todatetime(d1.year, d1.month,, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); return dt; } but these function can handle formats 1392/01/01 , of users enter other formats got error: string not recognized valid datetime best regards you're specifying mm , dd in format, require 2 digits. specify "yyyy/m/d" format - should handle both 1 , 2-digit da

ios - Get Access to Embed tabBarController in App Delegate -

i facing problem can access embed tabbarcontroller , set index2 i have tried following code won't work , goes first index: uistoryboard *secondstoryboard = [uistoryboard storyboardwithname:@"mainfunction" bundle:nil]; myviewcontroller *theinitialviewcontroller = [secondstoryboard instantiateinitialviewcontroller]; self.window = [[uiwindow alloc] initwithframe:[[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds]]; self.window.rootviewcontroller = theinitialviewcontroller; [self.window.rootviewcontroller.tabbarcontroller setselectedindex:2];/ [self.window.rootviewcontroller.navigationcontroller.tabbarcontroller setselectedindex:2]; [self.window makekeyandvisible]; it can't change second tab using above code. can give me advice? thank . the viewcontroller getting story board tab bar controller. uistoryboard *secondstoryboard = [uistoryboard storyboardwithname:@"mainfunction" bundle:nil]; uitabbarviewcontroller *theinitialviewc

jquery - Replacing Image Source Value With a PHP Variable Based on Device Width -

i'd able able swap img's src value variable created in php. i using javascript determine device width. happening within .php file containing wordpress loop. upon recognizing device width, change img's src value accordingly. i can retrieve php variables using js function when function written in loop, , know, duplicate function each post , resulting in error. i need able calculate these given php variables outside loop , inject them img src value inside loop. i recognize may have more errors in code looking resolve! have been working on time , particular issue has become quite troubling. in advance. current code in use: <?php query_posts( array ( 'home' => 'wordpress themes', 'orderby' => 'rand', 'posts_per_page' => -1 ) ); ?> <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <script> function getimagepath(){ if (window.matchmedia('(max-device-width: 1920px)').matches) {

neo4j - creating multiple labels with csv -

i trying load csv file create nodes , labels. there way add more 1 label @ same time? (i using neo4j 2.1.1) this csv: 1,test1,hardkey,button 2,test2,touch,button 3,test3,,screen i tried this: load csv 'file:/users/claudia/documents/nodes.csv' csvline foreach (n in (case when csvline[2]='hardkey' [1] else[] end) | merge (p:hardkey {name: csvline[1]}) ) foreach (n in (case when csvline[2]='touch' [1] else[] end) | merge (p:touch {name: csvline[1]}) ) this works, how other column ("button" , "screen") included? thanks lot. like this? see merge documentation. load csv 'file:/users/claudia/documents/nodes.csv' csvline foreach (n in (case when csvline[2]='hardkey' [1] else[] end) | merge (p:hardkey {name: csvline[1]}) on create set p.what = csvline[3] ) foreach (n in (case when csvline[2]='touch' [1] else[] end) | merge (p:touch {name: csvline[1]}) on create set p.what = csvline[

ng-resource in Rails. AngularJS + Rails tutorial -

i'm trying use ng-resource show index of book titles. ch.11 of angularails, far has been tough. i know problem has trying to use resource in coffeescript controller, because when $http "get" request specific url, things work fine. here parts of code this: 1.javscripts/application.js // manifest file that'll compiled application.js, include files // listed below. // // javascript/coffee file within directory, lib/assets/javascripts, vendor/assets/javascripts, // or vendor/assets/javascripts of plugins, if any, can referenced here using relative path. // // it's not advisable add code directly here, if do, it'll appear @ bottom of // compiled file. // // read sprockets readme ( details // supported directives. // //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require bootstrap.min //= require angular.min //= require angular-resource //= require angular-application 2 serializer: class b