android - Using RunOnUI to pass data from a Service to an Activity -

need bit of here, trying create service uses microphone listen peaks in audio frequency. service should run in background , update ui frequency information when there peak. app launches , fc's due seems running out of memory. i've tried debugging , following threads new @ , can't seem decipher doing wrong.

here activity:

public class rtaactivity extends activity  {      private static final string tag = "rtatest";     private intent intent;      @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate){         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.rta_view);          intent = new intent(this, analyzeservice.class);      }     private broadcastreceiver broadcastreceiver = new broadcastreceiver() {         @override         public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {             android.os.debug.waitfordebugger();  // check logcat              updateui(intent);                }     };          @override     public void onresume() {         super.onresume();                startservice(intent);         registerreceiver(broadcastreceiver, new intentfilter(analyzeservice.analyze_action));     }      @override     public void onpause() {         super.onpause();         unregisterreceiver(broadcastreceiver);         stopservice(intent);             }        private void updateui(intent intent) {         string freq = intent.getstringextra("freq");          string db = intent.getstringextra("db");         log.d(tag, freq);         log.d(tag, db);          textview tvfreq = (textview) findviewbyid(;             textview decibels = (textview) findviewbyid(;         tvfreq.settext(freq);         decibels.settext(db);     } } 

and here service:

public class analyzeservice extends service { private static final string tag = "analyzerservice"; public static final string analyze_action =     "com.kjacksonmusic.glassrta.displayevent"; private final handler handler = new handler(); intent intent;    @override public void oncreate() {     super.oncreate();      intent = new intent(analyze_action);     }   @override     public void onstart(intent intent, int startid) {         handler.removecallbacks(runonui);    //sendupdatestoui         handler.postdelayed(runonui, 500); // 0.5 second      }  private runnable runonui = new runnable() {         public void run() {             //android.os.debug.waitfordebugger();  // check logcat              displayaudioinfo();                  handler.postdelayed(this, 1000); // 1 seconds         }     };          private void displayaudioinfo() {        log.d(tag, "entered displayaudioinfo");        int frequency;        audiorecord recorder;        boolean recording;                               int numcrossing,p;        short audiodata[];     int buffersize = audiorecord.getminbuffersize(8000,audioformat.channel_configuration_mono, audioformat.encoding_pcm_16bit)*3; //get buffer size use audio record  recorder = new audiorecord (audiosource.mic,8000,audioformat.channel_configuration_mono, audioformat.encoding_pcm_16bit,buffersize); //instantiate audiorecorder   recording=true; //variable use start or stop recording audiodata = new short [buffersize]; //short array pcm data put into.   while (recording) {  //loop while recording needed     if (recorder.getstate() // check see if recorder has initialized yet.     if (recorder.getrecordingstate()           recorder.startrecording();  //check see if recorder has stopped or not recording, , make record.      else {,0,buffersize); //read pcm audio data audiodata array      //now need decode pcm data using 0 crossings method        numcrossing=0; //initialize number of 0 crossings 0        (p=0;p<1000;p+=4) {              if (audiodata[p]>0 && audiodata[p+1]<=0) numcrossing++;               if (audiodata[p]<0 && audiodata[p+1]>=0) numcrossing++;               if (audiodata[p+1]>0 && audiodata[p+2]<=0) numcrossing++;               if (audiodata[p+1]<0 && audiodata[p+2]>=0) numcrossing++;               if (audiodata[p+2]>0 && audiodata[p+3]<=0) numcrossing++;               if (audiodata[p+2]<0 && audiodata[p+3]>=0) numcrossing++;               if (audiodata[p+3]>0 && audiodata[p+4]<=0) numcrossing++;               if (audiodata[p+3]<0 && audiodata[p+4]>=0) numcrossing++;               }//for p          (p=(buffersize/4)*4;p<buffersize-1;p++) {               if (audiodata[p]>0 && audiodata[p+1]<=0) numcrossing++;               if (audiodata[p]<0 && audiodata[p+1]>=0) numcrossing++;               }           frequency=numcrossing*4;         intent.putextra("freq", frequency);         intent.putextra("db", 100);  ///place holder now.          sendbroadcast(intent);                      }//else recorder started      } //while recording      if (recorder.getstate() recorder.stop(); //stop recorder before ending thread     recorder.release(); //release recorders resources     recorder=null; //set recorder garbage collected.         } // run       @override     public ibinder onbind(intent intent) {         return null;     }      @override     public void ondestroy() {                handler.removecallbacks(runonui);       //sendupdatestoui         super.ondestroy();     }      } 

logcat output:

06-25 21:54:20.380: i/activitymanager(3122): start u0 {cmp=com.kjacksonmusic.glassrta/.rtaactivity} pid 21580  06-25 21:54:20.458: w/resources(3122): converting boolean: typedvalue{t=0x3/d=0x208 "res/anim/accelerate_interpolator.xml" a=1 r=0x10a0005}  06-25 21:54:20.607: i/systemupdateservice(3573): cancelupdate (empty url)  06-25 21:54:20.716: i/systemupdateservice(3573): cancelupdate (empty url)  06-25 21:54:20.833: i/activitymanager(3122): displayed  com.kjacksonmusic.glassrta/.rtaactivity: +359ms  06-25 21:54:21.107: d/analyzerservice(21580): entered displayaudioinfo  06-25 21:54:35.161: i/powermanagerservice(3122): going sleep due screen timeout...  06-25 21:54:35.442: d/surfaceflinger(120): screen released, type=0 flinger=0xb882c450  06-25 21:54:35.521: i/windowmanager(3122): screen turned off...  06-25 21:54:35.614: i/headgesturemanager(3122): unregistering listener:$4@20ecfce0 head gesture: nudge  06-25 21:54:35.614: d/headgesturecontainer(3122): stopping detector: name=nudge  06-25 21:54:35.622: d/runnabledetector(3122): run() exiting!  06-25 21:54:35.622: i/mpl-storeload(3122): mpl state size = 5584  06-25 21:54:35.630: e/mpl-storeload(3122): caldata inv_save_mpl_states, size=2  06-25 21:54:35.630: i/mpl-storeload(3122): cal data size write = 5584  06-25 21:54:35.630: i/mpl-storeload(3122): bytes written = 5584  06-25 21:54:35.638: i/headgesturemanager(3122): registering listener:$4@20ecfce0 head gesture: global_look_up  06-25 21:54:35.638: v/glassinputhub(3122): cancelling event sequences.  06-25 21:54:35.638: v/glassinputhub(3122): cancelling event sequence: camera key.  06-25 21:54:35.638: v/glassinputhub(3122): cancelling event sequence: power key.  06-25 21:54:35.638: v/glassinputhub(3122): cancelling event sequence: viewfinder switch.  06-25 21:54:35.638: v/glassinputhub(3122): cancelling event sequence: touchpad.  06-25 21:54:35.708: i/voiceengine[20e0026c](3363): screen off , current config not allow screen off.  06-25 21:54:35.724: w/voiceengine[20e0026c](3363): transition voiceconfig [] requested, in config.  06-25 21:54:35.817: i/glassusereventservice[20dd9364](3708): performance stats: [object:$glassusereventperformancestats {    batterychargewhenfulluah_: 403000    totalkernelms_: 62401830    totalbytessent_: 123808401    bitfield0_: 8191    boardtemperaturemillicentigrade_: 43810    frequencyscalinggovernor_: 0    availablememorykb_: 49148    islowmemory_: false    qpassedfractional_: 13445    qpassedinteger_: 16636    reportedsoc_: 95    batterytemperaturemillicentigrade_: 28100    batterystateofchargeuah_: 380000    totalmemorykb_: 596116    unknownfielddata: null    cachedsize: -1}]  06-25 21:54:36.028: w/activitymanager(3122): activity pause timeout activityrecord{20ede224 u0 com.kjacksonmusic.glassrta/.rtaactivity t1}  06-25 21:54:39.560: i/gcm(3573): gcm message 0:1403747679192023%0#71a16bb9f9fd7ecd  06-25 21:54:39.622: d/connectivityservice(3122): reportnetworkcondition(1, 100)  06-25 21:54:39.630: d/connectivityservice(3122): handleinetconditionchange: net=1, condition=100,mactivedefaultnetwork=1  06-25 21:54:39.630: d/connectivityservice(3122): handleinetconditionchange: starting change hold  06-25 21:54:39.669: v/gcmbroadcastreceiver(3321): onreceive:  06-25 21:54:39.669: v/gcmbroadcastreceiver(3321): gcm intentservice class:  06-25 21:54:39.669: v/gcmbaseintentservice(3321): acquiring wakelock  06-25 21:54:39.677: v/gcmbaseintentservice(3321): intent service name: gcmintentservice-229668747847-712  06-25 21:54:39.685: i/gcmintentservice(3321): received message: bundle[{p=timeline_sync, from=229668747847, collapse_key=do_not_collapse}]  06-25 21:54:39.763: v/gcmbaseintentservice(3321): releasing wakelock  06-25 21:54:39.778: i/synchelper(3321): requesting sync   [, syncsource=gcm, extras=bundle[{ignore_backoff=true}]].  06-25 21:54:39.872: i/timelinesyncadapter(3377): entering onperformsync [authority=, extras=bundle[{sync_priority=0, ignore_backoff=true}]].  06-25 21:54:39.911: i/downloadsynchelper(3377): fetching unsynced items server.  06-25 21:54:39.950: i/downloadsynchelper(3377): requesting sync  [window=timelinesyncwindow{starttime=1403747642036001, continuationtoken=null}].  06-25 21:54:39.989: i/timelineitemdatabasehelper(3377): getting unsynced items sync protocols: 0, 1  06-25 21:54:40.067: w/glsuser(3573): googleaccountdataservice.gettoken()  06-25 21:54:40.130: d/connectivityservice(3122): handleinetconditionholdend: net=1, condition=100, published condition=100  06-25 21:54:40.130: d/connectivityservice(3122): sendstickybroadcast:  06-25 21:54:40.317: i/eyegestureservice(3122): retrieving persistent state of detection gesture don.  06-25 21:54:40.325: i/downloadsynchelper(3377): received items server [count=1].  06-25 21:54:40.380: i/timelineprovider(3377): overwrote timeline item 8a3d2908-437e-47b7- b985-5c07a99f3e32 because existing modified time (1403742250447) < new modified time (1403747648937)  06-25 21:54:40.505: i/syncstats(3377): download api:582969681302 [numfiles=1, totalbytes=2kb, totalduration=375ms].  06-25 21:54:40.528: w/activitymanager(3122): sleep timeout!  sleeping now.  06-25 21:54:40.911: i/maintimelineview(3321): new timeline database content loaded; updating views.  06-25 21:54:40.942: i/maintimelineview(3321): new timeline database content loaded; updating views.  06-25 21:54:46.028: w/activitymanager(3122): activity stop timeout activityrecord{20ede224 u0 com.kjacksonmusic.glassrta/.rtaactivity t1} 


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