How do you convert opengl texture back to bitmap in android? -

i wanted apply image-filter image , used android helloeffects sample

it converts image data bitmap texture.
after applying image filter effect, i'd image in jpeg format, don't know how that.

i did in 1 way ,

  1. i converted texture image bitmap using glreadpixles() method

  2. i saved bitmap sd card

texture bitmap code

public static bitmap savepixels(int x, int y, int w, int h){     int b[]=new int[w*(y+h)];     int bt[]=new int[w*h];     intbuffer ib = intbuffer.wrap(b);     ib.position(0);     gles20.glreadpixels(0, 0, w, h, gles20.gl_rgba, gles20.gl_unsigned_byte, ib);      for(int i=0, k=0; i<h; i++, k++)     {//remember, opengl bitmap incompatible android bitmap         //and so, correction need.         for(int j=0; j<w; j++)         {             int pix=b[i*w+j];             int pb=(pix>>16)&0xff;             int pr=(pix<<16)&0x00ff0000;             int pix1=(pix&0xff00ff00) | pr | pb;             bt[(h-k-1)*w+j]=pix1;         }     }      bitmap sb=bitmap.createbitmap(bt, w, h, bitmap.config.argb_8888);     return sb; } 

bitmap internal storage code,

 public  static void saveimage(bitmap finalbitmap) {      file mydir=new file("/sdcard/saved_images");     mydir.mkdirs();     random generator = new random();     int n = 10000;     n = generator.nextint(n);     string fname = "image-"+ n +".jpg";     file file = new file (mydir, fname);     if (file.exists ()) file.delete ();     try {         fileoutputstream out = new fileoutputstream(file);         finalbitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 90, out);         out.flush();         out.close();      } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } } 


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