
Showing posts from July, 2011

c - Explanation of __do_IRQ function -

i'm preparing presentation on how linux kernel handles interrupts based on book understanding linux kernel ny bovet & cesati. cover says covers version 2.6. however, can't quite figure out how given __do_irq() function supposed work. although i've done (basic) c programming, can't understand of instructions. spin_lock(&(irq_desc[irq].lock)); irq_desc[irq].handler->ack(irq); irq_desc[irq].status &= ~(irq_replay | irq_waiting); irq_desc[irq].status |= irq_pending; if (!(irq_desc[irq].status & (irq_disabled | irq_inprogress)) && irq_desc[irq].action){ irq_desc[irq].status |= irq_inprogress; do{ irq_desc[irq].status &= ~irq_pending; spin_unlock(&(irq_desc[irq].lock)); handle_irq_event(irq,regs,irq_desc[irq].action); spin_lock(&(irq_desc[irq].lock)); }while (irq_desc[irq].status & irq_pending); irq_desc[irq].status &= ~irq_inprogress; } irq_desc[irq].handler->end(irq)

java - How to use Perf4J with Profiled annotation in Gradle project? -

i have java gradle project trying use perf4j . found examples of perf4j maven. so, modified 1 , ran it. here java class , maven build file works. package com.mycompany.testapplication; import org.apache.log4j.appender; import org.apache.log4j.consoleappender; import org.apache.log4j.level; import org.apache.log4j.logger; import org.apache.log4j.simplelayout; import org.perf4j.aop.profiled; /** * * @author ankit gupta */ public class testclass { final static logger mylogger = logger.getlogger("org.perf4j.timinglogger"); final static appender myappender; static { mylogger.setlevel(level.all); // define appender myappender = new consoleappender(new simplelayout()); //myappender.setlayout(new simplelayout()); mylogger.addappender(myappender); } public static void main(string[] args) { testclass test = new testclass();; } @profiled( tag = "sampleta

angularjs - populating angular directive based on data and tag attribute -

i'm building angular directive in multiple places on same page. i've got few different video tags, , want build flexible enough can place right video in right location. so, in videocontroller, i've got object holds video details $scope.videos = { "main":{ webrtcstream: streamdetails}, "guest":{ webrtcstream: streamdetails}, "other": { webrtcstream: streamdetails} } then have stream directive .directive('stream', function(){ return { restrict: 'e', controller: 'videocontroller', template: '<video></video>', link: function(){ elm[0].firstchild.src=url.createobjecturl(stream); elm[0]; } } }); i'd html be <stream data-name="main"></stream> <stream data-name="guest"></stream> <stream data-name="

css3 - CSS Viewport Height evaluated before minimal-ui applies on the very first load on mobile safari -

when using viewport height minimal-ui first time page load height evaluated address bar if set div height of 100vh acutal height of div viewport height minus height of address bar. in example, on first load can see purple div after address bar hidden. if reload page or access page without deleting cache, red div occupy full height of viewport without taking in consideration address bar behavior i'm expecting on first load. any ideas why? <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no, minimal-ui"> <title></title> </head> <body style="margin: 0; padding: 0;"> <div style="background-color: red; height: 100vh;"> hello </div> <div style="background-color: purple; height: 50px;"> world </div> </body> </html> th

data structures - Is using a linked-list to make a circular queue more advantageous than using an array? -

this understand circular queue - you specify size of circular queue @ start. enqueuing elements, once reach end of queue, can "circle" , start using first slot, provided has been dequeued , on. the general advantage of using linked-list on array fact can have grow dynamically needed without having worry re-appropriating new space , copying elements. in case, putting limit on size of linked-list not make sense. why not use fixed size array instead? and if not going specify size of circular queue point of using linked-list implement it. , how & when "circle" , start filling out dequeued slots? am missing here?

SQL Server : how to find startup parameters for t272 -

for people know stuff identity field skipping 1,000 reason concern? know microsoft has done on purpose sql server 2012 want make sure issue won't arise in future because of identity fields being large, i'm thinking of adding t272 not know how big of performance hit might i have sql server 2012 , trying locate 'startup parameters' can add t272 stop primary key skipping described on thread identity column value jumps 1001 in sql server if @ picture below not see option startup parameters this right here how supposed look; anyways can screen 1 below?? take these steps: open "sql server configuration manager" click "sql server services" on left pane right-click on sql server instance name on right pane -> default: sql server (mssqlserver) click "properties" click "startup parameters" on "specify startup parameter" textbox; type "-t272" click "add" confirm changes

Android SQLITE only written when debugging -

i using implementation of intentservice fetch json network, parse , insert database using contentprovider. getting inconsistent results. when run application nothing gets inserted db, when debug records inserted properly. when running in real time writing parsed json log , shows fine. won't write db without being in debugger. has experienced issue this? originally had 2 intentservices running, 1 fetch json , insert database , other fetch large images. thought best start them both @ same time, appears bad idea. disabled image fetching service database writes , reads have been working fine. this solves original problem doesn't answer of questions me how many separate services can run @ once or sqlite thread safe. anyways, if happens uppon solution.

App Hangs/Stops Responding When Loading Video Live Streaming Android -

i able watch videos when load video fast. when loading of video long,especially when internet connection slow, stops responding wherein buttons not working @ all, , pressing button not work either. , sometimes, happens when watch video long time e.g. around 25 minutes. got no message on logcat. supposed avoid situation? thank help. by way, using videoview in playing videos. , minimum targetversion of app 11. below code public class myclass extends fragment implements oncompletionlistener, onerrorlistener{ @override public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) { view view = inflater.inflate(, container, false); myvideo = (videoview)view.findviewbyid(; myvideo.setonerrorlistener(this); myvideo.setoncompletionlistener(this); thread background = new thread(new runnable() { @override public void run() { jsonretu

xml - XSLT add table header base on hierarchy level -

here part of xml represents hierarchy of terms. topterm outermost parent , childterm child, can have many children possible. <topterm id="1" entity="term" name="environmental management"> <childterm relationship="narrower" id="8" entity="term" name="auditing"> <childterm relationship="narrower" id="36" entity="term" name="environmental audit" /> <childterm relationship="narrower" id="46" entity="term" name="type of audit []" /> </childterm> <childterm relationship="narrower" id="11" entity="term" name="incidents"> <childterm relationship="narrower" id="71" entity="term" name="bruce beresford" /> <childterm relationship="narrower" id="35" entity=&q

wordpress - Vagrant up fails with stdin, start, ssh, stderr & stdout errors -

i cannot life of me...after reinstalling things vvv/vbox(4.3.10) & running vagrant --provision figure out why beauty(vvv) wont run. i'm unable access of wordpress sites such . specs: windows 8.1 cygwin final lines after running cmd -> vagrant --provision ==> default: ==> default: downloading phpmyadmin 4.1.14... ==> default: restart nginx... ==> default: * restarting nginx nginx ==> default: ...done. ==> default: cleaning virtual machine's /etc/hosts file... ==> default: adding domains virtual machine's /etc/hosts file... ==> default: * added /srv/www/vvv-hosts ==> default: * added /srv/www/vvv-hosts ==> default: * added /srv/www/vvv-hosts ==> default: * added /srv/www/vvv-hosts ==> default: * added /srv/www/vvv-hosts ==> default: -------

html - How to fade color and set margin-left for the title's box with CSS -

what i've done here make box image below how fade color , set margin-left= 10px; margin-top: 5px title's box css demo html: <div id="_div"> <span class="_top">company performance</span> <span class="_content">electric consumption: 2300kw</span> <div> css: #_div { display: block; -webkit-border-radius: 7px; -moz-border-radius: 7px; border-radius: 7px; width: 300px; height: 100px; background-color: #ffffff; box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #e0e6e8; border: 1px solid #c1dee0; } ._top { display: block; background-color: #d0e3ec; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 7px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 7px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 7px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 7px; border-top-left-radius: 7px; border-top-right-radius: 7px; padding-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #c1dee0; } ._content { display: block; margi

javascript - How to create Re-Usable web control library -

question background: hello everyone, have been developing windows form application employer 3 years. though of works amateurish. i've been using visual studio, c#, enjoying creating re-usable windows form controls sub-classing , other techniques. boss want me make website company, first thinking in mind create re-usable web controls windors form application. the methods have tried web user control , @ first, found visual studio support developer create web user control , file extension *.ascx. exciting find because thought can create web controls did in windows form application development. but, it's big "but", found cannot embed assembly file (dll), , either can displayed in toolbox support drag , drop in web page design time. afaik msdn, web user control not intended re-used across projects. give method. server control , found there custom server control can created support assembly embed , toolbox. it's *.cs file written class sub-classing system.w

system.reactive - Why I am getting only one item out of this Observable? -

i have cold observable static number of items, needed time delay between each item, have combined iobservable got through observable.timer . using zip . var ob1 = observable.range(1, 100); var ob2 = observable.timer(timespan.fromseconds(1.0)); var myobservable =, ob2, (a, b) => b); myobservable.subscribe(a => console.writeline("item encountered")); ///allow enough time timer observable give multiple ticks thread.sleep(3000); but output prints "item encountered" once. missing ? to confirm commentary, observable.interval way go single argument - , has been!

c++ - GDB and G++ Changing Random Parameters to 0 -

i writing library allow brand new wifi system-on-a-chip (processor cortex-m4) function arduino wifi api, i'm running very weird bug while debugging gdb. often, parameters passed functions change 0 no reason. example, while testing library, call delay(1000) , sketch running faster expected. breaking execution @ call of delay revealed in actuality, delay(0) being called... isn't big of deal, has far worse implications strings. example, passing in string strlen() causes huge problems. pointer changed (char*) 0x0 , , strlen(0x0) returns several thousand bytes because null character isn't encountered while. even worse, implicit this pointer gets changed 0x0 well, changing value of instance's variables i've tried can think of. i've switched different development board, i've recompiled code , ide, i've turned off optimization (using -o0 ). i'm lost. why parameters getting changed 0 apparently no reason? edit so, sounds stack overflow

csv - Neo4j jexp/batch-import weird error: java.lang.NumberFormatException -

i'm trying import around 6m nodes using michael hunger's batch importer i'm getting weird error: java.lang.numberformatexception: input string: "78rftark42lp5f8nadc63l62r3" @ java.lang.numberformatexception.forinputstring( it weird because 78rftark42lp5f8nadc63l62r3 first value of big csv file i'm trying import , datatype set string. these first 3 lines of file: name:string:sessions labels:label timestamp:long:timestamps visitor_pid referrer_url 78rftark42lp5f8nadc63l62r3 session 1401277353000 cd7b76ef09b498e95b35b49de2925c5f

php - how to get url from curl? -

i want generate link tusfile i have premium account this code $request_url = ''; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_url, ''); curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_post, true); curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_cookiejar, 'cookie.txt'); curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_returntransfer, true); $store = curl_exec($ch); curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_url, $request_url); $content = curl_exec($ch); $regex='|<a.*?href="(.*?)"|'; preg_match_all($regex,$content,$parts); $links=$parts[1]; foreach($links $link){ echo $link."<br>"; } curl_close($ch);

CSS Loading Animation -

i'm building website , want implement css loading animation in it. (such one: ) whatever animation choose use, it'll 1 consistently plays until rest of page loads. how animation begin playing once loads , continue playing until rest of page loads? i've researched can find tips on how make specific element fade in , out until page loads. here page load library can use. pace js this provides many built in solutions , can customize it. here demo how used before

android - Getting Current Address using GPS -

i want current address using gps provider .i getting lat lng values 0 while use gps.i want current location without using wifi.and got exception when convert alt lng values address using geocoder ("unable parse response server")i unable please me my code public class mainactivity extends activity implements locationlistener, onclicklistener{ locationmanager locationmanager ; string provider; button btn; private string stradd; @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); btn = (button)findviewbyid(; btn.setonclicklistener(this); // getting locationmanager object locationmanager = (locationmanager)getsystemservice(context.location_service); // creating empty criteria object criteria criteria = new criteria(); // getting name of provider meets criteria provider = locationmanager.getbestprovider(criteria, false); if(pro

java - JPA update Query issue -

suppose have 2 entities @entity(name = "user") @inheritance(strategy = inheritancetype.joined) public class user{ @id @generatedvalue(strategy = private long id; private string name; } another inherited class @entity public class extendeduser extends user{ private string bio; } now when try run jpa update query @modifying @query("update extendeduser set bio=?2 id=?1") void updateoverflowtext(long id,string bio); i exception, cannot run query, due ambiguous column "id" caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.mysqlintegrityconstraintviolationexception: column 'id' in clause ambiguous @ sun.reflect.nativeconstructoraccessorimpl.newinstance0(native method) @ sun.reflect.nativeconstructoraccessorimpl.newinstance(unknown source) @ sun.reflect.delegatingconstructoraccessorimpl.newinstance(unknown source) @ java.lang.reflect.constructor.newinstance(unknown source) @ com.mysql.jdbc.util.handlenewinsta

Memory layout of a c program -

i reading article , said " uninitialized variable stored in bss", "initialized variable stored in data segment" my question why need have 2 separate segments variables? 1. bss 2. data segment? why not put 1 segment? bss takes no space in program image. indicates how large bss section , runtime set memory zero. the data section filled initial values variables takes space in program image file.

mysql - SQL ORDER BY but also by MIN of different col (aka threading)? -

regarding example data below, order type each resulting group order min(valu) without aggregation. type valu ---- ---- b 12 b 88 b 200 b 200 56 100 100 c 70 c 70 so records of type b listed first because group has record containing lowest valu (12). type records because of record valu 56 , type c records because of record valu(s) 70. is there way type of sorting in sql? to explain further, if programmatically, might first sort records type , secondarily valu decending. need sort groups of records valu of first record of each group. so like: select type, valu data order type, valu gets me of way there. want sort groups lowest valu. this might compared "threading" posts in forum posts same subject grouped groups sorted date of latest post within group (although threading forum posts more complex because sorting done reply order whereas in example want sort numerically valu). is there way in

Can we retrieve Riak Objects instead of keys using 2i -

i have use-case need query based on 2i value , retrieve riak objects intstead of keys. doing map-reduce operation took quite long time , more computations. is there other solution this? since 2i search returns list of matching keys, can make multiple parallel requests fetch associated objects. riak not traditional rdbms try minimize number of fetch requests make. recommend benchmarking find ideal number of parallel requests maximize performance fetch objects. finally, please ensure using load balancer between application , riak these fetch requests balanced among nodes in cluster.

css - background color gets cut in smaller resolution -

hi having problem stretching background color. fits larger resolution perfectly. when resolution goes below width of 1254px, background not stretch. content inside container remains perfect. heres site. kindly resize browser below 1254px , check, find white space on right side. heres html code view-source: heres css code thank you the reason main_body & it's children have static width, header & footer container have 100% width . width main_body 1237px , when resize below 1237px top container width of body main_body container keep width of 1237px scroll shown. to rid of change styles main_body & it's children percent based width, or give body min-width:1242px; prevent body going below 1242px . (5px more cause inner container streching main_body '1242px').

docusignapi - How to set text in Different languages using DocuSign API like Norwegian? -

i using docusign api create envelopes. , use approve & decline tabs. i want set language of approve , decline text api. (i provide text based on language). problem when send special characters in request, throws protocol exception. e.g. decline, text in norwegian "avslå", throws exception. here sample request signer/ recipient: <signer> <recipientid>2</recipientid> <clientuserid>2</clientuserid> <email></email> <name>someswara siripuram</name> <tabs> <approvetabs> <approve> <xposition>400</xposition> <yposition>500</yposition> <documentid>1</documentid> <pagenumber>1</pagenumber> <tablabel>approve</tablabel> <buttontext>approve</buttontext> </approve> </approvetabs> <declinetabs> <decli mvc - When should a page use a layout in MVC? -

when should page use layout or render layout? i'm little confused when should create page page using layout. different between @{ layout = null; } and @{ viewbag.title = "edit"; layout = "~/views/shared/_layout.cshtml"; } ade, i answered similar question while back: *from scottgu's blog (ref: ): starting mvc 3 beta release, can add file called _viewstart.cshtml (or _viewstart.vbhtml vb) underneath \views folder of project: the _viewstart file can used define common view code want execute @ start of each view’s rendering. example, write code within our _viewstart.cshtml file programmatically set layout property each view sitelayout.cshtml file default: because code executes @ start of each view, no longer need explicitly set layout in of our individual view files (except if wanted override default value above). important: because _

static analysis - Usage before assignment detection in a Javascript code -

i'm taking on task find issues in large number of short javascript codes. 1 of things i'm looking instance of variable usage before explicit assignment, so: var a; var b = + 10; // not explicitly assigned value i've tried few js analysis tools jslint don't catch it. i'm hoping ready use tool, i'm pressed time, if there's library can used bit of coding, that's helpful.

hadoop - Hive Query to group by id -

i have table in hive id|name 1 "a" 2 "b" 1 "c" i want output of query 1 "a,b" 2 "c" according id must group name how can achieve above in hive?,is there built-in function in hive this? pointers of great help regards, as far understood looking kind of group_concat(sql function) in hive ... you can achieve same functionality select id , collect_set(name) tblname group id.

c# - If I create GUIDs then is there a way I can check if one GUID is created after another? -

if create 2 guids understand unique part of dependent on time. create random string random. maybe if knows how guid created me understand. if create guids there way can check if 1 guid created after another? no. there lots of ways make guids. nothing in guid encodes time. possible poorly implemented guid generator encode time of generation, in general, given guid, not know algorithm used generate it. i create random string random. use quality random number generator. although warned hard find true random number generators on general computer. best can use pseudo random number generator.

Image statistics in PHP: average column values -

i want calculate average pixel values in each column of image. considering using imagickpixeliterator imagick::getpixeliterator but, if understand correctly, iterates row row. do think way face problem? know better way? use image library of choosing resize image 1 pixel high, after read pixels have average column colors. luck!

html - How to display a specific word in php? -

i need display specific string php, example: <?php $text = "the grass green" echo $text; ?> the output the grass green , how display grass instead of the grass green ? if specified word known beforehand, trick: $word = 'green'; // know keyword $text = "the grass green" // phrase $a = explode(" ", $text); // create array of words in $text foreach ($a $b) // loop through array { if ($b==$word) // if match found, echo { echo $b; break; } } if on other hand, word in specified position, you: $wordposition = 2; // know keyword place in phrase $text = "the grass green" // phrase $a = explode(" ", $text); // create array of words in $text echo $a[$wordposition]; // echo specified word, position

jquery - input type=search not working -

i have web app. uses jquery, bootstrap , kendo ui. have filterbox input searching kendo grid - had type="text" in markup changed take advantage of html5 type="seacrh" samll x in field when user types - reason not working? testing in chrome , did ctrl , f5 make sure reloaded page? input field current looks like: <input id="txtsearch" type="search" placeholder="type filter..."> and in js have following: var searchtextbox = $("#txtsearch"); searchtextbox.on("change keyup paste mouseup", function () { // search logic }); i on 35.0.1916.153 m , working please check fiddle. var searchtextbox = $("#txtsearch"); searchtextbox.on("change keyup paste mouseup", function () { var = ["#ff0000","blue","gray"]; var rand = back[math.floor(math.random() * back.length)]; $

filesystems - Java FileStore concept vs actual storage? -

how java filestore relates other non java concepts such device, partition, file system, or volume? not sure correct @ all, when starting read definition: public abstract class filestore storage files. filestore represents storage pool, device, partition, volume, concrete file system or other implementation specific means of file storage. actually it's more abstract that. filestore is the filestore file stored obtained invoking getfilestore method, or file stores can enumerated invoking getfilestores method. i.e. store can contents of file name or list files. there built in implementation file systems e.g. drive, there 1 zip/jar files. write 1 ftp service. an in memory version map<string, filecontents> can content or list of names.

ios - How to capture the whole tableview as an image, create a .pdf from it and email it -

this first attempt @ creating .pdf file in ios. have tableview generates data want rendered in .pdf file. this code capturing whole table image, generating pdf image , emailing it: - (ibaction)save:(id)sender { // save table cgrect frame = self.tableview.frame; frame.size.height = self.tableview.contentsize.height; self.tableview.frame = frame; uigraphicsbeginimagecontextwithoptions(self.tableview.bounds.size, self.tableview.opaque, 0.0); [self.tableview.layer renderincontext:uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext()]; uiimage *saveimage = uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext(); uigraphicsendimagecontext(); imagedata = uiimagepngrepresentation(saveimage); uiimage *image = [uiimage imagewithdata:imagedata]; uiimageview *imageview = [[uiimageview alloc]initwithimage:image]; [self createpdffromuiview:imageview savetodocumentswithfilename:filename]; } - (nsmutabledata*)createpdffromuiview:(uiview*)aview savetodocumentswithfilename:(

sql server - Group tables by schema in SSMS -

in visual studio's server explorer window there's nice feature lets see db objects grouped schema: it turns object tree: data connections -> myserver -> tables -> mytable ( myschema ) into one: data connections -> myserver -> schemas -> myschema -> mytable i've been looking particular feature in ssms unable find it. does exist? if not, there plugin provide feature? or perhaps there plugin ease navigation in dbs have lots of objects? please note i'm aware of ssms object filters. it's better nothing not sufficient, i'm accessing objects multiple schemas @ once. if want free tool, ssms schema folders solution. job beautifully. - EnumDropDownList MVC 5 -

i have class public partial class team { public int id { get; set; } public shifts shift { get; set; } } public enum shifts : int { first = 1, second = 2 } and mvc view code <div class="form-group"> @html.labelfor(model => model.shift, htmlattributes: new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" }) <div class="col-md-10"> @html.enumdropdownlistfor(model => model.shift, htmlattributes: new { @class = "form-control" }) @html.validationmessagefor(model => model.shift, "", new { @class = "text-danger" }) </div> </div> and controller post code... public actionresult create([bind(include = "shift")] team team) { if (modelstate.isvalid) { db.teamset.add(team); db.savechanges(); return redirecttoaction("index"); } return view(

c# - Porting achartengine to Xamarin -

i'm trying port achrtengine library xamarin.droid. what did is:- 1- create new android java bindings library project. 2- add .jar jars folder. 3- set build action embededjar but got error:- 'pan': member names cannot same enclosing type in line: public event eventhandler pan { add { global::java.interop.eventhelper.addeventhandler<,>( ref weak_implementor_addpanlistener, __createipanlistenerimplementor, addpanlistener, __h => __h.handler += value); } remove { global::java.interop.eventhelper.removeeventhandler<,>( ref weak_implementor_addpanlistener, - set the value of sql data source parameter -

i filtering data of sql data source setting where clause parameter in formatting [@a] , in event of combo box, set value parameter, previous sql data source gridview sqldatasource2.selectparameters.clear(); sqldatasource2.selectparameters["@a"].defaultvalue = cid.tostring(); sqldatasource2.databind(); i need pass value where parameter. i choose filtering parsed on non choice ( not form or control or profile or session ...) this way gives me error. there way give value parameter [@a] ? try following: aspx: <asp:sqldatasource id="sqldatasource1" runat="server" datasourcemode="dataset" connectionstring="<%$connectionstrings:myconnectionstring %>" selectcommandtype="text" selectcommand = "select * table a=@a" cancelselectonnullparameter="false"> <selectparameters> &

wordpress - links in sub menu for multiple div items -

ok have made dropdown menu in wordpress. want links in sub menu link divs on page. familiar this? thanks! ps: means url has change while still on same page so: first url : second url : div-1) third url : div-2) all need use page jumps.

R function that works on previous observation -

i have collection of user's ip addresses , associated time hit particular website. trying change in time between each ip address change. make easier, i've assigned each row label whether or not represents change previous row, , i've done on per-user basis. sample data: user.nm ip.addr.txt login.sessn.ts change.label b c 2/18/2013 16:08 false b c 2/18/2013 16:08 false b c 2/28/2013 13:37 false b c 2/28/2013 16:10 false b c 2/28/2013 16:20 false b c 3/5/2013 9:29 false b c 3/6/2013 11:42 false b c 3/11/2013 13:55 false <- b b 6/25/2013 13:22 true <- b d 6/25/2013 13:22 false <- b b 8/12/2013 13:18 true <- b c 8/12/2013 13:18 false b c 8/20/2013 15:13 false b c 8/20/2013 15:13 false b c 9/23/2013 14:08 false b c 9/23/2013 14:09 false b c 9/25/2013 11:00 false b c 10/18/2013 16:54 false b c 10/18/2013 16:54 false