javascript - How to create Re-Usable web control library -

question background:
hello everyone, have been developing windows form application employer 3 years. though of works amateurish. i've been using visual studio, c#, enjoying creating re-usable windows form controls sub-classing , other techniques. boss want me make website company, first thinking in mind create re-usable web controls windors form application.

the methods have tried

  1. web user control, @ first, found visual studio support developer create web user control, file extension *.ascx. exciting find because thought can create web controls did in windows form application development. but, it's big "but", found cannot embed assembly file (dll), , either can displayed in toolbox support drag , drop in web page design time. afaik msdn, web user control not intended re-used across projects. give method.

  2. server control, found there custom server control can created support assembly embed , toolbox. it's *.cs file written class sub-classing system.web.ui.webcontrols.webcontrol or system.web.ui.webcontrols.compositecontrol. point want: re-usability , design-time support. however, huge disadvantage doesn't support drag-drop when creating web control itself. control can rendered html written in c# or created code. , have embed css/javascript control if want create more beautiful, complicated or efficient control. anyway, msdn, server control need.

  3. pure html, javascript (jquery), css, i've beening working server control method while, in order make boss happy. still cannot stop thinking other better solutions. understanding, web page not complicated, it's constructed (please correct me if i'm wrong) html tag, javascript (or other scripting language), css manipulate ui. believe if create web control pure html, javascript , css, of course more complicated more compatible. because server control solution requires web server support .net framework, not free , limited microsoft scope. if have way rid of .net, why not? i'm willing spend double-time create re-usable control if it's worthy do. example, if want turn php create web page, might have acquire technique create web control html, javascript , css.

my question

  1. speaking of above, possible create web control library based on html, javascript , css?

  2. if so, there tutorial method?

  3. i know how commercial/professional company create web page.

thank everyone, advice appreciated!

  1. speaking of above, possible create web control library based on html, javascript , css?

in strict speak, controls have become accustomed support aforementioned. continue work in future projects created in webforms.

however, if foray mvc there striking difference. of controls handle input client side (which can wrapped in js wigets , user validation classes). on other hand there little server controls, there _masterlayouts , views can make use of partialviews partialview similar web user control. in controller can return edittemplates , other types similar server controls


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