c++ - GDB and G++ Changing Random Parameters to 0 -

i writing library allow brand new wifi system-on-a-chip (processor cortex-m4) function arduino wifi api, i'm running very weird bug while debugging gdb.

often, parameters passed functions change 0 no reason. example, while testing library, call delay(1000), sketch running faster expected. breaking execution @ call of delay revealed in actuality, delay(0) being called... line 63 highlighted - should delay 1000 ms paused execution in delay - parameter has changed 1000 0?! isn't big of deal, has far worse implications strings. example, passing in string strlen() causes huge problems. pointer changed (char*) 0x0, , strlen(0x0) returns several thousand bytes because null character isn't encountered while.

even worse, implicit this pointer gets changed 0x0 well, changing value of instance's variables enter image description here

i've tried can think of. i've switched different development board, i've recompiled code , ide, i've turned off optimization (using -o0). i'm lost.

why parameters getting changed 0 apparently no reason?

edit so, sounds stack overflow issue (how appropriate), guess easiest fix make local stack larger. i'm compiling arm-none-eabi-g++, command line argument can use make stack larger? matter, default stack size?


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