marquee - IOS scrollview is not clickable -

here code:

int = 0; self.userinteractionenabled = yes; self.exclusivetouch = yes;   self.cancancelcontenttouches = yes; self.delayscontenttouches = yes; self.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = yes; uitapgesturerecognizer *tapgesturerecognizer = [[uitapgesturerecognizer alloc]        initwithtarget:self action:@selector(gototest)]; tapgesturerecognizer.numberoftapsrequired = 1; [self addgesturerecognizer:tapgesturerecognizer]; (nsstring *message in self.messages) {     uilabel * label = [[uilabel alloc] initwithframe:cgrectzero];     self.userinteractionenabled = yes;     label.text = message;     label.tag = i;     cgsize size = [message sizewithfont:label.font];     cgfloat width = size.width + kpadding;     label.frame = cgrectmake(xpos, 0.0, width, self.frame.size.height);     [self addsubview:label];      i++;      xpos += width;     nslog(@"%@",nsstringfromcgrect(label.frame)); } self.messageswidth = xpos; self.contentsize = cgsizemake(xpos, self.frame.size.height); self.contentoffset = cgpointmake(-self.frame.size.width, 0.0);  }  -(void)gototest { nslog(@"test %@",@"ccc "); } 

and marquee - (void)go {

if (!self.period) self.period = self.messageswidth / 100; // takes same (fudged, reasonable) amount of time scroll    whole array  [uiview animatewithduration:self.period                       delay:0.0                     options:uiviewanimationoptioncurvelinear  |uiviewanimationoptionrepeat                  animations:^{                      self.contentoffset = cgpointmake(self.messageswidth, 0.0);                  } completion:^(bool finished){}];  } 

so, goal create marquee news , each news clickable see details of clicked new.

but uitapgesturerecognizer doesnt work , dont know why.

note self scrollview because class extend uiscrollview.

so please me

you have subclass uiscrollview in following way. use custom scroll view (i.e. touchscrollview) instead of regular uiscrollview


#import <foundation/foundation.h> @import uikit;  @interface touchscrollview : uiscrollview  @end 


#import "touchscrollview.h"  @implementation touchscrollview  - (void)touchesbegan:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event {     // respond touch events here     // ...       [self.nextresponder touchesbegan:touches withevent:event]; }  - (void)touchesmoved:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event {     [self.nextresponder touchesmoved:touches withevent:event]; }  - (void)touchesended:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event {     [self.nextresponder touchesended:touches withevent:event]; }  @end 

or if want in swift since it's fashion nowadays:


import foundation import uikit  class touchscrollview: uiscrollview {     override func touchesbegan(touches: nsset!, withevent event: uievent!) {         // respond touch events here         // ...         nextresponder().touchesbegan(touches, withevent: event)     }      override func touchesmoved(touches: nsset!, withevent event: uievent!) {         nextresponder().touchesmoved(touches, withevent: event)     }      override func touchesended(touches: nsset!, withevent event: uievent!) {         nextresponder().touchesended(touches, withevent: event)     } } 


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