In python, accessing global variables of one file in another -

i have 2 python scripts, 1 of contains global variable globvar wish use in file. file structures follows:

from file2 import *  globvar = []  def func1(a,b):   globvar.append(range(a,b))   printlast()  def main():   in range(1,10):     j in range(1,5):       func1(i,j)  if __name__=="__main__":   main()

from file1 import globvar  def printlast():   element = globvar[-1]   print 'latest element ',element 

dont' bother productivity of code, it's example sample problem @ hand.

on running script, error pops up, globvar[-1] list index out of range. or simply, list empty.

why so?

edit :

this question, posted, contained "from file2 import printlast" first line of syntax resulting in importerror pointed out @user2357112 in comments.

now has been changed from file2 import *, error indexerror, trying point out begin with.

any reasonable explanation appreciated.

this because main module executed directly python special, , when import it, created second time, there 2 globvars. see:


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