jquery - Update text file in remote computer by web access? -

i have linux machine running web server php. contain text file name 'autorun.conf' - configuration file, see below.

the user can read file ('autorun.conf') local computer - using web browser (e.g. google chrome).

what happen files parse , user can see current configuration, user can update configuration , send linux.

i did parts of code : html file read file linux machine ,parse it,show , let user change it.

for example following code read file 'result' string

function button1_onclick() {     console.log("button click");     $.get('/autorun.conf',          function(result) { 

after change configuration last thing send update 'result' string server.

i did not see how can it. found plenty of file upload plugins enable me send multiple file drag , drop , find simple example 'form' enable me it.

the simplest version of ajax (jquery) upload 1 file

but did not find simple code let me send update string make file in linux.

i glad thank help.


this html file , below autorun.conf file

<!doctype html> <!doctype html> <html> <head>  <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"> </script>    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // regular expression // http://regex101.com/  var autorunfile;  function button1_onclick() {     console.log("button click");     $.get('/autorun.conf',          function(result) {             console.log(typeof(result));             if (result == 'on') {                 alert('on');             } else if (result == 'off') {                 alert('off');             } else {                 // find specified model                 autorunfile = result;                  var pattern = /.*model.*/g;                 var line = pattern.exec(result);                 console.log(line[0]);                 pattern = /\".*\"/g;                 var value = pattern.exec(line[0]);                 console.log(value[0]);                 $("#model").val(value[0]);                  // find ip address                 pattern = /.*app_ip.*/g;                 line = pattern.exec(result);                 console.log(line[0]);                 pattern = /\".*\"/g;                 value = pattern.exec(line[0]);                 console.log(value[0]);                 $("#ipaddress").val(value[0]);                  // find model options                 // m flag tell treat each end of line ( , end of file)                 // g tell find matches , not first 1                 pattern = /(.* =$)/gm;                    //line = pattern.exec(result);                 line = result.match(pattern);     /// note match give al matches in contrary exec                   // remove 2 first entries in array                 var found = $.inarray('stop_programs', line) > -1;                 if (found >= 0) {                     line.splice(found, 2);                 }                  // trim / chop ' =' end of string                 for( i=0 ; i<line.length ; i++) {                     line[i] = line[i].substring(0, line[i].length -2);                 }                   var selectlist = $("#myselect");                    (k = 0; k < line.length; k++)                     selectlist.append("<option value='" + line[k]+ "'>" + line[k] + "</option>");               }         }     ); }  function changemodel() {     var val = $( "#myselect option:selected" ).text();     console.log(val);     $("#model").val(val); }  function button2_onclick() {     // extract again 'model' line     var pattern = /.*model.*/g;     var line = pattern.exec(autorunfile);     //console.log(line[0]);     var newmodel = "model = " + $("#model").val();     //console.log(newmodel);     var autorunfile1 = autorunfile.replace(line[0], newmodel);     //alert(autorunfile1);      pattern = /.*app_ip.*/g;     line = pattern.exec(autorunfile1);     var appip = "app_ip ="  + $("#ipaddress").val();     console.log(appip);     var autorunfile2 = autorunfile1.replace(line[0], appip);      // big problem, how can send 'autorunfile2' string linux machine   }    </script> </head>   <body> <p>     <table>       <tr>         <td>model</td>         <td><input id="model"></td>         <td>ip address</td>         <td><input id="ipaddress"></td>       </tr>       <tr/>       <tr>         <td/>         <td><input id="button1" type="button" onclick="return button1_onclick()" value="get" /></td>         <td/>         <td><input id="button2" type="button" onclick="return button2_onclick()" value="set" /></td>       </tr>       <tr>         <td/>         <td><select id="myselect" onchange="changemodel()" ></select></td>        </tr>      </table> </p>    <div id="mydiv">   </div> </body> </html> 

and autorun.conf file

# configuration file autorun  model = "nexus_stated_eth"; app_ip = ""; debug_mode = "false"; work_dir = "/opt/goji";  stop_programs = (     { name = "mbus_listener"; },     { name = "ethernet_listener"; },     { name = "gojimanager"; },     { name = "hosteth_listener"; },     { name = "bossimx28"; } );  # words substitute in program arguments: substitutions = (     { key = "boardid"; value = "1"; },     { key = "plugins_path"; value = "/tmp/1"; },     { key = "technician_socket_port"; value = "9979"; },     { key = "node_id"; value = "10"; } );   nexus_legacy = {   message = "starting board nexus legacy";   programs =    (     { name = "bossimx28"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path"); },     { name = "gojimanager"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path", "-g", "98", "-s", "6000000", "-d", "/dev/spidev1.0", "-p", "nexus"); },     { name = "ethernet_listener"; args = ("-n", "technician", "-f", "plugins_path", "-p", "technician_socket_port" , "-i", "eth0"); }   ) };  nexus_legacy_cmd = {   message = "starting board nexus legacy cmd";   programs =    (     { name = "bossimx28"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path"); },     { name = "gojimanager"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path", "-g", "98", "-s", "6000000", "-d", "/dev/spidev1.0", "-p", "nexus"); }   ) };  nexus_stated_mbus = {   message = "starting board nexus stated mbus";   programs =    (     { name = "bossimx28"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path"); },     { name = "mbus_listener"; args = ("-p", "node_id", "-n", "host", "-f", "plugins_path", "-d", "/dev/ttyfiq0"); },     { name = "gojimanager"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path", "-g", "98", "-s", "6000000", "-d", "/dev/spidev1.0", "-p", "nexus_stated"); }   ) };  nexus_stated_eth = {   message = "starting board nexus stated eth";   programs =    (     { name = "bossimx28"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path"); },     { name = "gojimanager"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path", "-g", "98", "-s", "6000000", "-d", "/dev/spidev1.0", "-p", "nexus_stated"); },     { name = "hosteth_listener"; args = ("-n", "host", "-f", "plugins_path", "-p", "technician_socket_port" , "-i", "eth0"); }   ) };  nexus_stated_usb_rj45adaptor = {   message = "starting board nexus stated usb eth";   programs =    (     { name = "bossimx28"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path"); },     { name = "gojimanager"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path", "-g", "98", "-s", "6000000", "-d", "/dev/spidev1.0", "-p", "nexus_stated"); },     { name = "hosteth_listener"; args = ("-n", "host", "-f", "plugins_path", "-p", "technician_socket_port" , "-i", "eth1"); }   ) };  nexus_stated_usb_eth = {   message = "starting board nexus stated eth";   programs =    (     { name = "bossimx28"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path"); },     { name = "gojimanager"; args = ("-n", "boardid", "-f", "plugins_path", "-g", "98", "-s", "6000000", "-d", "/dev/spidev1.0", "-p", "nexus_stated"); },     { name = "hosteth_listener"; args = ("-n", "host", "-f", "plugins_path", "-p", "technician_socket_port" , "-i", "usb0"); }   ) }; 

finally, help, found solution

i show 2 different php solutions ( ajax little different)

the first solution in html file add

// big problem, how can send 'autorunfile2' string linux machine     jquery.ajax({          type: "post", // http request method.          url: "uploadstring.php", // url of data fetch.          data: autorunfile2, // don't add data url.          datatype: "text", // execute response script once it.          success: function() // call function when done.                         {                             alert("success");                         }                     }); 

this take string , send http post command

and in server side following php file take string , save file

<?php file_put_contents('autorun.conf1', file_get_contents('php://input')); ?> 

in second solution ( @ 'data' filed)

// big problem, how can send 'autorunfile2' string linux machine jquery.ajax({      type: "post", // http request method.      url: "uploadstring.php", // url of data fetch.      //data: autorunfile2, // don't add data url.      data:{post: autorunfile2},     datatype: "text", // execute response script once it.      success: function() // call function when done.                     {                         alert("success");                     }                 }); 

and php in server is

<?php $fp = fopen('autorun.conf1', 'w'); $abc =  $_post['post']; fwrite($fp, $abc); ?> 



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