ios - Animate rotation of SKSpriteNode -

i attempting rotate skspritenode face direction of cgpoint. have managed so:

cgpoint direction = rwnormalize(offset);  self.player.zrotation = atan2f(direction.y, direction.x); 

how call skspritenode animate rotation rather being instantaneous. possible keep same speed of rotation in animation no matter sprite should turn? in advance!

use skaction:

cgpoint direction = rwnormalize(offset); float angle = atan2f(direction.y, direction.x); // speed of rotation (radians per second) float speed = 2.0;  float duration = angle > m_pi_2 ? angle/speed : (angle + m_pi_2)/speed; [self.player runaction:     [skaction rotatetoangle:angle duration:duration]]; 


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