java - Display fullname of JCheckBox item -

i had design jframe components. in jcheckbox component had given name full name not displayed when run application. want display given name.


 public class finddemo extends jframe  {  label l1;  jcheckbox matchcase,matchwholewords;  textfield tf;  jbutton find_next,cancel;  public finddemo()  {     l1 = new label("find what: ");     matchcase=new jcheckbox();     matchcase.settext("match case ");     matchwholewords=new jcheckbox("match whole words ");     tf = new textfield(30);     find_next = new jbutton("find next");     cancel = new jbutton("cancel");      setlayout(null);     int label_w = 80;     int label_h = 20;     int tf_w    = 120;      l1.setbounds(10,10, label_w, label_h);     add(l1);     tf.setbounds(10+label_w, 10, tf_w, 20);     add(tf);      matchcase.setbounds(10, 10+label_h+10, label_w, label_h);     add(matchcase);     matchwholewords.setbounds(10, 10+label_h+35, label_w, label_h);     add(matchwholewords);      find_next.setbounds(250, 10, 100, 20);     add(find_next);     cancel.setbounds(250, 40, 100, 20);     add(cancel);     int w = 400;     int h = 200;     setsize(w,h);     point center = graphicsenvironment.getlocalgraphicsenvironment().getcenterpoint();     setlocation(center.x-w/2, center.y-h/2);     setvisible(true); }  public static void main(string args[]){   new finddemo();  } } 

  1. use swing components instead of awt components (labeljlabel; textfieldjtextfield, ...)
  2. don't use null layout manager (setlayout(null)) , setbounds(). examine using layout managers.
  3. instead of setsize(w, h) use pack() method.

full name not displayed

because use setbounds() , null layout. matchcase.setbounds(10, 10 + label_h + 10, label_w, label_h) set not enough space jcheckbox because of shows '...'.

for example panel gridbaglayout:

import java.awt.gridbagconstraints; import java.awt.gridbaglayout; import java.awt.insets;  import javax.swing.jbutton; import javax.swing.jcheckbox; import javax.swing.jframe; import javax.swing.jlabel; import javax.swing.jtextfield;  public class testframe extends jframe {      jlabel l1;     jcheckbox matchcase, matchwholewords;     jtextfield tf;     jbutton find_next, cancel;      public testframe() {         l1 = new jlabel("find what: ");         matchcase = new jcheckbox();         matchcase.settext("match case ");         matchwholewords = new jcheckbox("match whole words ");         tf = new jtextfield(30);         find_next = new jbutton("find next");         cancel = new jbutton("cancel");          setlayout(new gridbaglayout());          gridbagconstraints c = new gridbagconstraints();         c.insets = new insets(5, 5, 5, 5);         c.gridx = 0;         c.gridy = 0;         c.anchor = gridbagconstraints.west;         add(l1, c);         c.gridx++;         c.fill = gridbagconstraints.horizontal;         c.weightx = 1;         add(tf, c);         c.fill = gridbagconstraints.none;         c.weightx = 0;         c.gridx++;         add(find_next, c);         c.gridx = 0;         c.gridy = 1;         c.gridwidth = 2;         add(matchcase, c);         c.gridx++;         c.gridx++;         c.gridwidth = 1;         c.fill = gridbagconstraints.horizontal;         add(cancel, c);         c.gridy++;         c.gridx = 0;         c.gridwidth = 2;         add(matchwholewords, c);         setlocationrelativeto(null);         pack();         setvisible(true);     }      public static void main(string[] args) {         new testframe();     } } 

enter image description here


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