struct - Swift - From Dictionary to NSManagedObject -

i trying value dictionary , set attributes class values

this have done:

class myclass : nsmanagedobject{ @nsmanaged var remoteid:nsnumber @nsmanaged var creationdate:nsdate @nsmanaged var title:string @nsmanaged var total:nsnumber  func fromdictionary(dictionary:dictionary<string,anyobject>) {     if let x:int = dictionary["id"]! as? int {         remoteid = nsnumber(integer: x)     }     if let x:string = dictionary["creation_date"]! as? string {         creationdate = x.formatteddate()     }     if let x:double = dictionary["total"]! as? double {         total = nsnumber(double: x)     }     if let x:string = dictionary["title"]! as? string {         title = x     } } 

i'm looking way optimize or function in more generic way, in order usable other classes

until attempted use enum (to enumerate dictionary keys, seems me wrong way)

i trying have that

enum keytypes {    case int    case currency    case text    case bool    case date }  struct fields {    var keyname:string    var keytype:keytypes } 


var xx = fields[]() xx.append(fields("id", xx.append(fields("creationdate", ... 

and looping array.

do have better idea?


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