Springdata Neo4j primary key -

i new neo4j , sdn . trying create primary key entities using @indexed(unique=true). creates unique nodes replace other properties if used same property value indexed. eg:

class abc{ @indexed(unique=true) long abc_id; string abc_name; }  new abc(1,"asd")// creates node id: 1 name : asd new abc(1,"xyz")// replaces asd xyz .  

however want throw exception primary key violation/duplicate node.

is there method achieve same?

currently @indexed implementation doesnt throw exception duplicates quoted in jira ticket on spring data neo4j forum : here , in thread

you may create unique nodes running cypher queries (which faster). can use merge create or update nodes.

from documentation

merge either matches existing nodes , binds them, or creates new data , binds that. it’s combination of match , create additionally allows specify happens if data matched or created. 

so can below if want update node or create node if pattern doesnt exist.

merge (keanu:person { name:'keanu reeves' }) on create set keanu.created = timestamp() on match set keanu.lastseen = timestamp() return keanu 


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