ruby on rails - Nested forms not working -

i have 2 models (bcase , c_entry) , trying 10 blank c_entry fields on each bcase creation form!

what did following:



class bcase < activerecord::base         has_many :c_entries, :dependent => :destroy     accepts_nested_attributes_for :c_entries         end 


class centry < activerecord::base     belongs_to :bcase end 


  def new         @bcase =         10.times {}   end  def bcase_params     params.require(:bcase).permit(:pimp_id, :comment_text, :status, c_entries_attributes:[:id, :description, :bcase_id]) end 

form (gets rendered in bcase -> new.html.erb)

<%= simple_form_for :bcase, url: bcase_path |f| %>     <div class="form-inputs">         <% f.simple_fields_for :c_entries |entry| %>          <%= entry.input :description %>         <% end %>     </div> <% end %> 

but if open view on localhost in browser form empty. tested , know working bcase attributes not nested attributes. if try initialize 1 object instead if 10 nothing changes, still doenst show nested. further tried create c_entries via rails console , worked. used command aswell.

edit: okay, problem solved view shows 1 entry instead of 10! doing wrong?


rake routes

        prefix verb   uri pattern                       controller#action      protocols    /protocols(.:format)              protocols#index                post   /protocols(.:format)              protocols#create   new_protocol    /protocols/new(.:format)          protocols#new  edit_protocol    /protocols/:id/edit(.:format)     protocols#edit       protocol    /protocols/:id(.:format)          protocols#show                patch  /protocols/:id(.:format)          protocols#update                put    /protocols/:id(.:format)          protocols#update                delete /protocols/:id(.:format)          protocols#destroy          pimps    /                                 pimps#index       new_pimp    /new(.:format)                    pimps#new      edit_pimp    /:id/edit(.:format)               pimps#edit           pimp    /:id(/.:format)                   pimps#show                post   /(.:format)                       pimps#create                put    /:id(.:format)                    pimps#update                patch  /:id(.:format)                    pimps#update                delete /:id(.:format)                    pimps#destroy    new_mepager    /:pimp_id/onepager/new(.:format)  mepagers#new   edit_mepager    /:pimp_id/onepager/edit(.:format) mepagers#edit        mepager    /:pimp_id/onepager(.:format)      mepagers#show create_mepager post   /:pimp_id/onepager(.:format)      mepagers#create                put    /:pimp_id/onepager(.:format)      mepagers#update                patch  /:pimp_id/onepager(.:format)      mepagers#update                delete /:pimp_id/onepager(.:format)      mepagers#destroy      new_bcase    /:pimp_id/bcase/new(.:format)     bcases#new     edit_bcase    /:pimp_id/bcase/edit(.:format)    bcases#edit          bcase    /:pimp_id/bcase(.:format)         bcases#show   create_bcase post   /:pimp_id/bcase(.:format)         bcases#create                put    /:pimp_id/bcase(.:format)         bcases#update                patch  /:pimp_id/bcase(.:format)         bcases#update                delete /:pimp_id/bcase(.:format)         bcases#destroy 


<%= simple_form_for bcase_path(@pimp) |f| %>   <%= f.error_notification %>  <%= simple_fields_for :c_entries |ff| %> <div class="form-actions"> <%= ff.input :description, label: false %> <% end %> </div>  <% end %> 


def setall    @pimp = pimp.find(params[:pimp_id])    @bcase = @pimp.bcase end 

error @bcase in simple_form_for

nomethoderror in bcases#new  showing c:/users/public/documents/sites/improvement/app/views/bcases/_form.html.erb line #1 raised:   undefined method `bcases_path' #<#<class:0x53efbc0>:0x4d195d0> 


did more testing , included after

<p><%= "nr of c-entries = #{@bcase.c_entries.size}" %></p> 

what gives me 10 lines

<%= @bcase.c_entries.each |entry| %> <%= entry.description %> <% end %> 

and shows me 10 empty entries! there, cant see them somehow!

[#<centry id: nil, bcase_id: nil, order_no: 1, description: nil, hours: nil, nrc: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>, #<centry id: nil, bcase_id: nil, order_no: 2, description: nil, hours: nil, nrc: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>, #<centry id: nil, bcase_id: nil, order_no: 3, description: nil, hours: nil, nrc: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>, #<centry id: nil, bcase_id: nil, order_no: 4, description: nil, hours: nil, nrc: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>, #<centry id: nil, bcase_id: nil, order_no: 5, description: nil, hours: nil, nrc: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>, #<centry id: nil, bcase_id: nil, order_no: 6, description: nil, hours: nil, nrc: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>, #<centry id: nil, bcase_id: nil, order_no: 7, description: nil, hours: nil, nrc: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>, #<centry id: nil, bcase_id: nil, order_no: 8, description: nil, hours: nil, nrc: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>, #<centry id: nil, bcase_id: nil, order_no: 9, description: nil, hours: nil, nrc: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>, #<centry id: nil, bcase_id: nil, order_no: 10, description: nil, hours: nil, nrc: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>]  


included bcases_path routes debugging. form_for works @bcase doesnt solve problems have.


it somehow works

<%= @bcase.c_entries.each |hallo| %>  <%= f.simple_fields_for :c_entries, hallo |fff| %>     <%= fff.input :description %>  <% end %> <% end %> 

probably cause c_entries specified. solution doesnt lean! possible specify somehow in bcase controller?

ah, found it! forgot = in <%=. block execute correctly, not added form.

so write

<%= simple_form_for @bcase |f| %>   <div class="form-inputs">     <%= f.simple_fields_for :c_entries |entry| %>        <%= entry.input :description %>     <% end %>   </div> 


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