php - Symfony omit filename for routing -

i pretty new symfony , learning it. though symfony's documentation has helped me of concerns , answered questions i've had far, wasn't able find solution question regarding routing.

whenever access page, need specify front-controller in order trigger routing:


what want clean url further omitting front-controller:


this might simple thing, haven't been able find single question or documentation page describes me how (if it's @ possible). have tried renaming front-controller index.php, unfortunately doesn't work either.

if httpd.conf says allows overriding

namevirtualhost *:80 <virtualhost *:80>   servername   documentroot "/projects/yourproject/web"   <directory "/projects/yourproject/web">     options indexes followsymlinks     allowoverride     allow   </directory> </virtualhost> 

you can use web/.htacces

# use front controller index file. serves fallback solution when # every other rewrite/redirect fails (e.g. in aliased environment without # mod_rewrite). additionally, reduces matching process # start page (path "/") because otherwise apache apply rewriting rules # each configured directoryindex file (e.g. index.php, index.html, directoryindex app.php  <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c>     rewriteengine on     rewritecond %{request_uri}::$1 ^(/.+)/(.*)::\2$     rewriterule ^(.*) - [e=base:%1]     rewritecond %{env:redirect_status} ^$     rewriterule ^app.php(/(.*)|$) %{env:base}/$2 [r=301,l]    ##### part     should tweak, have .htaccess point request app_dev.php, since routing.yml empty     rewritecond %{request_filename} -f     rewriterule .? - [l]     rewriterule .? %{env:base}/app_dev.php [l]        ##### part should tweak, have .htaccess point request app_dev.php, since routing.yml empty </ifmodule>  <ifmodule !mod_rewrite.c>     <ifmodule mod_alias.c>         # when mod_rewrite not available, instruct temporary redirect of         # startpage front controller explicitly website         # , generated links can still used.         redirectmatch 302 ^/$ /app_dev.php/         # redirecttemp cannot used instead     </ifmodule> </ifmodule> 

be sure ifmodule enabled; link

so in prod environment replace app_dev.php app.php

you may want have different parameters each environment, best put .gitignore , create 2 files : 

and depending on stage create parameters.yml file symbolic link in same dir :

ln -s parameters.yml  


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