java - Traceback on Dagger .plus() on incomplete parent -

consider dagger module:

@module(library = true, complete = false) public static class module {     @provides     public contextualized providescontextualized(context ctx) {         return new contextualized(ctx.getusername());     }     // ... , many more such provides. } 

context object may connected e.g. http session cannot known @ startup, when 1 create graph:

@module(library = true, complete = false) public static class contextmodule {     private final string username;     public contextmodule(string username) { this.username = username; }      @provides     public context providescontext() {         return new context() {             public string getusername() { return username; }         };     } } 

given module sufficiently long, seem make sense first create graph module:

objectgraph baseline = objectgraph.create(new module()); 

and then, on processing particular request, create unique graph makes graph complete:

objectgraph withcontext = contextmodule("killroy")); 

however, .plus() seems assume inherited graph complete:

java.lang.illegalstateexception: errors creating object graph: context not bound key context required class plusexample$module @ dagger.internal.throwingerrorhandler.handleerrors( @ dagger.internal.linker.linkrequested( @ dagger.internal.linker.linkall( @ dagger.objectgraph$daggerobjectgraph.linkeverything( @ dagger.objectgraph$ @ plusexample.plusfailsonincompletemodule( 

have misunderstood .plus() or limitation in dagger? there other straightforward way introduce user late graph? (it annoying if each provide in module have user threadlocal or such.)

looks answer question:

hope helps!


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