google api - Chrome uncaught error 'Protocols must match' on G+ signin -

i've added g+ login button on website, keep seeing issue. in cases comes first time , if try connect after refreshing page, works.

here's error:

uncaught securityerror: blocked frame origin .com" accessing frame origin "". frame requesting access has protocol of "http", frame being accessed has protocol of "https". protocols must match.

i saw post google + signin button blocked frame solution isn't relevant me.

first, want emphasize should using https when handling user credentials. if can, get ssl certificate , serve content on https. using https, can prevent mitm attacks , user information leaks.

that aside, there number of potential sources triggering warning:

  1. if using sign-in button page serving http instead of more secure https, communication sign-in servers gets blocked. if sign-in works , doesn't, may cause.

  2. if authorized javascript origin protocol (http / https) doesn't match, google authorization server reject client ( when meant

  3. if authorized javascript origin not match (e.g. put .com in authorized origin, when meant oauth server reject frame.

listing authorized origins (obfuscated security) google developer console , site might determine what's going on in case.

a few things can change see if helps:

  • try changing cookie policy either 'single_host_origin' or ''.
  • try cleaning authorized origins in the developer console include http:// domain.
  • try accessing site incognito tab, if works, browser cookies may in bad state site.
  • try using chrome network diagnostics see if specific requests failing.
  • try replacing includes use explicit protocol includes referencing relative protocol (e.g. replace <script src="" /> <script src="//" />)


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