android - quiz program Timer issue -

i'm creating 1 quiz application android in using timer.based on timer questions move next. there 20 questions. giving 6 seconds of time each question. should answer within 6 seconds otherwise question move next question. if answer in 4 seconds means remaining 2 seconds added next question. next question have 8 seconds of time. have add remaining seconds next question till end. used below code has start , stop timer.

    private runnable updatetimerthread = new runnable() {     public void run() {         timeinmilliseconds = systemclock.uptimemillis() - starttime;         updatedtime = timeswapbuff + timeinmilliseconds;         int secs = (int) (updatedtime / 1000);         int mins = secs / 60;         secs = secs % 60;         mtimertext.settext("" + mins + ":" + string.format("%02d", secs));         customhandler.postdelayed(this, 0);         } };  public void playclock() {     starttime = systemclock.uptimemillis();     customhandler.postdelayed(updatetimerthread, 0);     if (systemclock.elapsedrealtime()==6) {         getquestion();   //here call question     } }   public void resumeclock() {     timeswapbuff += timeinmilliseconds;     customhandler.removecallbacks(updatetimerthread); } 

you have use countdowntimer try below method starttimmer(6) when timmer complate there method finishquiztime(); called(set next question detail in method).

when user select answer call finishquiztime(); & stop countdowntimer using mcountdown.cancel();

/**      * timer quiz question      * */     public void starttimmer(int currentquesec) {          log.e("start timmer ", "--->" + currentquesec);          mcountdown = new countdowntimer(currentquesec, 1000) {              @override             public void onfinish() {                  /**                  * stop timmer                  * */                  finishquiztime();                   log.e("time finish", "time finish");             }              @override             public void ontick(long millisuntilfinished) {                  quelasttime = millisuntilfinished / 1000;              }         }.start();     } 


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