android - Phonegap Parse Plugin Installations are showing but notifications aren't being received -

i'm getting installation show in parse data browser, right app name, version number, installationid , i'm subscribing channel based on users session id, shows in right columns devicetoken column empty (although i'm not sure if android needs or ios)

when try , send push parse, shows correct number of recipients, status shows done in parse, pn never arrives on phone.

this cordova 3.5.0 app, code i'm using in deviceready function. again i'm not sure need installationid i'm not using - tutorials i've seen seem mention after initialize method:

// init parse window.parseplugin.initialize(     "app_id",      "client_key",     function() {         console.log( 'parse init ok' );         window.parseplugin.getinstallationid(function(id) {             installationid = id;                  }, function(e) {             console.log("error getting id: " + e.code + " : " + e.message);         })     },      function( e ) {         console.log( 'parse failed' );     } ); 

i see "parse init ok" message in logcat in eclipse.

i've installed plugin repo:

i've fixed @ moment manually adding following main activity:

// register device parse parse.initialize(this, "app_id", "client_key"); pushservice.setdefaultpushcallback(this, myapp.class); parseanalytics.trackappopened(getintent()); parseinstallation.getcurrentinstallation().saveinbackground(); 

it's working, i'd rather not have modify main activity class - i'm hoping i've done simple wrong plugin, working time being.

if can find way plugin use hook add code oncreate class i'll update answer


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