jnlp - Starting Java Webstart App with older installed JRE Version -

is there chance start jnlp jre 7_17 while jre 7_45 latest version installed on system?

first tried editing jnlp file , changing version 1.5+ 1.7.0_17. wasnt working. after research, bug.

then tried start jnlp file commandline , javaws.exe bin path of older jre version. still newer 1 used.

are there chances have many jres installed , open different webstart apps version supported supplier ?

thanx marcus

you may not start jnlp file specific java version - 1 installed (and default in webbrowser) used start jnlp. can specify java version application/applet started afterwards. here description:

"the version attribute refers, default, platform version (specification version) of java(tm) platform standard edition. defined platform versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 , 1.6. (a platform version not contain micro version number; e.g., 1.4.2.) exact product versions (implementation versions) may specified. including href attribute. example, 1.3.1_07, 1.4.2, or 1.5.0"


you may use < java ...> instead of < j2se ...> furthermore if have jnlp based application should work manually specify (full) path older java.


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