java - TableView doesn't update all columns -

i'm trying javafx making simple applications. right i'm working on can called "employees database" mean store data in table , tree, tree sorts employees department. when hit "add worker" label in menubar hbox displaying, , after filing textfields , clicking "add" button written data should appear in table. problem tableview updates of columns except "years worked" , "department" column. read tips cannonical variable names proper valuefactory usage stil can't on this.

public class main extends application {  wtable table = new wtable(); wtree tree = new wtree(); wmenu menu = new wmenu(); wtextfield addfirstname = new wtextfield("first name"); wtextfield addsecondname = new wtextfield("second name"); wtextfield addlastname = new wtextfield("last name"); wtextfield adddep = new wtextfield("department"); wtextfield addyears = new wtextfield("years worked"); wtextfield addsalary = new wtextfield("salary"); wtextfield addage = new wtextfield("age"); wbutton addbutton = new wbutton("add"); observablelist<model> mlist = fxcollections.observablearraylist(); hbox addbox = new hbox();   private class wtable extends tableview<model> {      private tablecolumn<model, string> fnamecol;     private tablecolumn<model, string> lnamecol;     private tablecolumn<model, string> snamecol;     private tablecolumn<model, string> depcol;     private tablecolumn<model, string> yearcol;     private tablecolumn<model, string> salarycol;     private tablecolumn<model, string> agecol;       public wtable() {         super();         fnamecol = new tablecolumn<model, string>("first name");         fnamecol.setminwidth(100);         fnamecol.setcellvaluefactory(                  new propertyvaluefactory<model, string>("firstname"));          snamecol = new tablecolumn<model, string>("second name");         snamecol.setminwidth(100);         snamecol.setcellvaluefactory(                 new propertyvaluefactory<model, string>("secondname"));          lnamecol = new tablecolumn<model, string>("last name");         lnamecol.setminwidth(100);         lnamecol.setcellvaluefactory(                 new propertyvaluefactory<model, string>("lastname"));            depcol = new tablecolumn<model, string>("department");         depcol.setminwidth(100);         depcol.setcellvaluefactory(                 new propertyvaluefactory<model, string>("department"));          yearcol = new tablecolumn<model, string>("years worked");         yearcol.setminwidth(100);         yearcol.setcellvaluefactory(                 new propertyvaluefactory<model, string>("yearsworked"));          salarycol = new tablecolumn<model, string>("salary");         salarycol.setminwidth(100);         salarycol.setcellvaluefactory(                 new propertyvaluefactory<model, string>("salary"));          agecol = new tablecolumn<model, string>("age");         agecol.setminwidth(100);         agecol.setcellvaluefactory(                 new propertyvaluefactory<model, string>("age"));             this.getcolumns().addall(fnamecol, snamecol, lnamecol, depcol,                 yearcol, salarycol, agecol);         this.seteditable(false);      } }  private class wbutton extends button {     public wbutton(string desc) {         super(desc);         this.setprefwidth(50);          this.setonmouseclicked(new eventhandler<mouseevent>() {              @override             public void handle(mouseevent event) {                 mlist.add(new model(addfirstname.gettext(), addsecondname.gettext(), addlastname.gettext(),                         adddep.gettext(), addage.gettext(), addyears.gettext(),                         addsalary.gettext()));                }          });      } }  private class wtree extends treeview<string> {     private treeitem<string> rootitem;     private treeitem<string> sitem;     private treeitem<string> aitem;     private treeitem<string> iitem;     private treeitem<string> uitem;      public wtree() {         super();         rootitem = new treeitem<string>("employees");         sitem = new treeitem<string>("sales department");         aitem = new treeitem<string>("accounts department");         iitem = new treeitem<string>("it support");         uitem = new treeitem<string>("undercover");          this.setroot(rootitem);         rootitem.getchildren().addall(sitem, aitem, iitem, uitem);          rootitem.setexpanded(true);     } }  private class wtextfield extends textfield {     public wtextfield(string desc) {         super();         this.setprompttext(desc);         this.setprefwidth(100);      } }   private final class wmenu extends menubar {     public wmenu() {         super();         menu menuadd = new menu("add");         menu menuedit = new menu("edit");         menu addworker = new menu("add worker");         menu adddepartment = new menu("add department");         menu editworker = new menu("edit worker");          addworker.setonaction(new eventhandler<actionevent>() {              @override             public void handle(actionevent t) {                   addbox.setvisible(true);             }         });          this.getmenus().addall(menuadd, menuedit);         menuadd.getitems().addall(addworker, adddepartment);         menuedit.getitems().addall(editworker);     } }  @override public void start(stage primarystage) {     try {         primarystage.settitle("employees");         table.setitems(mlist);         gridpane grid = new gridpane();          addbox.getchildren().addall(addfirstname, addsecondname, addlastname,                 adddep, addyears, addsalary, addage, addbutton);           addbox.setvisible(false);          grid.add(menu, 0, 0, 2, 1);         grid.add(table, 1, 1);         grid.add(tree, 0, 1);         grid.add(addbox, 0, 2, 2, 1);         scene scene = new scene(grid);         primarystage.setscene(scene);;     } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } }  public static void main(string[] args) {     launch(args); }     } 

and model class

    public class model {  private final simplestringproperty firstnameproperty; private final simplestringproperty secondnameproperty; private final simplestringproperty lastnameproperty; private final simplestringproperty departmentproperty; private final simplestringproperty ageproperty; private final simplestringproperty yearsworkedproperty; private final simplestringproperty salaryproperty;  public model(string fname, string sname, string lname,          string func, string age, string years, string salary) {     this.firstnameproperty = new simplestringproperty(fname);     this.lastnameproperty = new simplestringproperty(lname);     this.secondnameproperty = new simplestringproperty(sname);     this.departmentproperty = new simplestringproperty(func);     this.ageproperty = new simplestringproperty(age);     this.yearsworkedproperty = new simplestringproperty(years);     this.salaryproperty = new simplestringproperty(salary); }  public void setfirstname(string newname) {     firstnameproperty.set(newname); }  public string getfirstname() {      return firstnameproperty.get();  }  public void setlastname(string newname) {     lastnameproperty.set(newname); }  public string getlastname() {      return lastnameproperty.get();  }  public void setsecondname(string newname) {     secondnameproperty.set(newname); }  public string getsecondname() {      return secondnameproperty.get(); }  public void setage(string newage) {     ageproperty.set(newage); }  public string getage() {     return ageproperty.get(); }  public void setyears(string newy) {     yearsworkedproperty.set(newy); }  public string getyears() {     return yearsworkedproperty.get(); }  public void setsalaray(string newsal) {     salaryproperty.set(newsal); }  public string getsalary() {     return salaryproperty.get(); }  public void setdepartment(string newfunc) {     departmentproperty.set(newfunc); }  string getdepartment() {     return departmentproperty.get(); }     } 

the correct pattern property of type t called x is:

private objectproperty<t> x = new simpleobjectproperty<>();  public objectproperty<t> xproperty() {     return x ; } public final t getx() {     return x.get(); } public final void setx(t x) {     this.x.set(x); } 

with special cases primitive types , strings: instead of objectproperty<string>, use stringproperty, etc.

obviously method names important; variables (field or parameters) can called like.

so model class fails follow pattern, because:

  1. you don't have "property accessor" functions: public stringproperty departmentproperty() {...} etc.
  2. your getdepartament() (sic) method not public
  3. your getyears() , setyears() methods not match property name used in propertyvaluefactory ("years" instead of "yearsworked")
  4. you have getsalary() setsalaray(...)

the "property accessors" (item 1 above) optional; if omit these propertyvaluefactory revert using methods , wrapping result in readonlyobjectwrapper; note though means if table editable, properties not automatically updated when edit table.


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