django - scrappy status page for failed spiders -

i have made spider crawl news , here code

class abcspider(xmlfeedspider): handle_httpstatus_list = [404, 500] name = 'abctv' allowed_domains = [''] start_urls = [     '', ]  def parse(self, response):      if response.status in self.handle_httpstatus_list:         return request(url="", callback=self.after_404)      hxs = htmlxpathselector(response) # xpath selector     sites ='//div[@class="marlr respo-left"]/div/div/h3')     items = []     site in sites:         item = newsitem()         item['title'] = escape(''.join('a/text()').extract())).strip()         item['link'] = escape(''.join('a/@href').extract())).strip()         item['description'] = escape(''.join('p/text()').extract()))         item = request(item['link'],meta={'item': item},callback=self.parse_detail)         items.append(item)     return items  def parse_detail(self, response):     item = response.meta['item']     sel = htmlxpathselector(response)     details ='//div[@class="entry"]/p/text()').extract()     detail = ''     piece in details:         detail = detail + piece     item['details'] = detail     item['location'] = detail.split(",",1)[0]     item['published_date'] = (detail.split(" ",1)[1]).split(" ",1)[0]+' '+((detail.split(" ",1)[1]).split(" ",1)[1]).split(" ",1)[0]          return item  def after_404(self, response):     print response.url 

what want if spider dont work or dont crawl want show status page saying spider not working. how can that?? how can make status page ?? ??

i have integrated django. can make url in django status display. if yes how

i can steps take without providing clear examples (better thank links anyway)

  1. create django project
  2. create single view in project
  3. this single view has able somehow connect webcrawler :p. there several ways of doing it:
  4. write status updates database (you can include django project python path , gain access django orm in crawler). you'll have create models hold data, not hard.
  5. you can use kind of message queue (might want check out might complicated option requires setting , configuring different software.
  6. or check if process running executing shell command in view , confirming if process of correct pid exists or not.
  7. return data based on approach 4. 5. or 6 view.


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