android - How to include maven dependencies in Cordova command line build? -

i have cordova project uses maven manage dependencies, when "cordova build" in command line, cannot find maven depencencies causing compile fail.

how include maven dependencies in cordova command line build? pointer appreciated.thanks

you can .gradle files cordovalib/cordova.gradle, cordovalib/build.gradle via gradle in maven found different approach efficient.

git clone
cd , pom.xml file
go <build><plugins> tags , existing plugins add these 2:

<plugin>   <artifactid>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactid>   <configuration>     <archive>       <manifest>         <mainclass>fully.qualified.mainclass</mainclass>       </manifest>     </archive>     <descriptorrefs>       <descriptorref>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorref>     </descriptorrefs>   </configuration> </plugin> <plugin>   <artifactid>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactid>   <configuration>     <archive>       <manifest>         <mainclass>fully.qualified.mainclass</mainclass>       </manifest>     </archive>     <descriptorrefs>         <descriptorref>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorref>     </descriptorrefs>   </configuration>   <executions>     <execution>       <id>make-assembly</id><phase>package</phase>       <goals>         <goal>single</goal>       </goals>     </execution>   </executions> </plugin> 

now, go terminal , type command mvn clean compile assembly:single. you'll see new jar dependencies in /packagename/target/ compiled jar - import cordova or android/java project.

hope helps


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