xamarin - Rotate issue on MVVMCross Android app. Command bindings lost when using dialog theme -

i've been using mvvmcross couple of months , have been impressed far. however, have come across issue have of yet been unable resolve.

i have broken down simple solution can problem can reproduced. issue centres around having button on activity styled in "dialog" theme. when device rotated button command bindings lost , buttons no longer fire commands in view model. odd thing other bindings still working.

to simulate have created solution has

1) simple mvxactivity has 1 button. button opens second activity styled dialog.

2) on second mvxactivity have couple of buttons , edittext , textview control. buttons bound commands on view model , edittext , textview bound properties.

i have tried adding following attribute second activity (as suggested elsewhere) not work.

configurationchanges = android.content.pm.configchanges.orientation | android.content.pm.configchanges.screensize 

here second view causing issue. removing theme attribute make work - want dialog theme!:

using android.app; using android.os; using cirrious.mvvmcross.droid.views;  namespace rotateissue.views {     [activity(label = "myactivity", theme = "@android:style/theme.holo.dialog")]     public class secondview : mvxactivity     {         protected override void oncreate(bundle bundle)         {             base.oncreate(bundle);             setcontentview(resource.layout.secondview);         }     } } 

here viewmodel view:

using cirrious.mvvmcross.viewmodels; using system.windows.input;  namespace rotateissue.core.viewmodels {     public class secondviewmodel : mvxviewmodel     {         private string _hello = "";             public string hello     {          { return _hello; }         set { _hello = value; raisepropertychanged(() => hello); }     }          public bool datavalid         {                         {                 return (_hello.length > 0);             }         }          private mvxcommand _savecommand;         public icommand savecommand         {                         {                 _savecommand = _savecommand ?? new mvxcommand(saveasset);                 return _savecommand;             }         }          private mvxcommand _cancelcommand;         public icommand cancelcommand         {                         {                 _cancelcommand = _cancelcommand ?? new mvxcommand(cancel);                 return _cancelcommand;             }         }          public void cancel()         {              close(this);         }          public void saveasset()         {             if (datavalid)             {                 //todo: useful                 close(this);             }         }     } } 

i can provide axml if needed. app targetted @ api level 16.


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