php - CodeIgniter - flash session deleting all session -

i using flash data success/error messages.

i experiencing issue: after set flashdata - session data deleted in few controlers, in other controlers working properly.

cotroller 1: (function whre working ok)

public function vymazat($id)     {         if(!is_numeric($id)) redirect();          $this->admin_model->delete_coupon($id);         $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'kupón bol úspešne vymazaný');         redirect('admin/kupony/zobrazit');      } 

controller 2: (function not working)

public function vymazat($id) {     if(!is_numeric($id)) redirect();      $this->admin_model->delete_order($id);     $this->session->set_flashdata('success', 'kupón bol pridaný');     redirect('admin/objednavky/zobrazit');  } 

thanks help

from codeigniter documentation:

codeigniter supports "flashdata", or session data available next server request, , automatically cleared.

your redirection may perhaps taking more 1 request, results clearing flashdata.

you can use following:

//in redirected to, controller constructor $this->session->keep_flashdata('message'); 

and see if flashdata displayed, if yes, above statement correct.


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