mysql - Need an alternate Solution--instead of calling php code from a trigger -

i having 2 table consider table1 , table2...

i need trigger after inserting table1.. trigger has thing like

retrieving data 2 other tables using select query(it retrieves more 1 row) calculations data retrieved , need insert table2 single row.. think not possible these in trigger decided call php file trigger things.. persons says calling php trigger not practically , has security risk..

i need suggestion question...please don't down vote or neglect..if question unclear ask me edit...

a simple example out.

$sql="insert  `table1` (firstname, lastname, age) values ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$age')";  $result = mysql_query($sql) ;  if($result) { // record inserted , place code needs executed after successful insertion }  else {  // insertion failed  } 

i assume using mysqli , not mysql becuase mysql_query deprecated of php 5.5.0 example understand logic.


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