javascript - what does compass:server mean in grunt? -

i encountered snippet of code, can explain compass:server mean?

compass: {   files: ['<%= config.src %>/styles/{,*/}*.{scss,sass}'],   tasks: ['compass:server', 'autoprefixer'] }, 

compass name of grunt task (compiling sass css using compass), , server name of subtask. so, example the documentation:

compass: {   dist: {     options: {       sassdir: 'sass',       cssdir: 'css',       environment: 'production'     }   },   dev: {     options: {       sassdir: 'sass',       cssdir: 'css'     }   }   server: {     options: {       sassdir: 'sass',       cssdir: 'css'     }   } } 

using configuration choose run dist, dev or server subtasks (with associated options) compass:dist, compass:dev or compass:server commands.

i use grunt time in development. it's worth checking out if want take of complexity out of development workflow. alternative new kid on block, gulp.


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