c++ - DesktopImageInSystemMemory of DXGI_OUTDUPL_DESC -

i need variable true can use mapdesktopsurface of idxgioutputduplication

how set true. previous settings can done.

here link


i faced same problem...so need do:

the mapdesktopsurface method of times return dxgi_error_unsupported image not in system memory, in gpu memory.

in case, need transfer image gpu memory system memory.

so how that?

  1. create descriptor id3d11texture2d of type d3d11_texture12d_desc.

  2. use getdesc on image(id3d11texture2d) acquired using idxgioutputduplication::acquirenextframe fill in descriptor.

  3. this descriptor has framedescriptor.usage set d3d11_usage_default.

  4. you need set descriptor following parameters (let others remain is):

    framedescriptor.usage = d3d11_usage_staging; framedescriptor.cpuaccessflags = d3d11_cpu_access_read; framedescriptor.bindflags = 0; framedescriptor.miscflags = 0; framedescriptor.miplevels = 1; framedescriptor.arraysize = 1; framedescriptor.sampledesc.count = 1; 
  5. now, create new staging buffer (id3d11texture2d) using above descriptor follows:

    m_device->createtexture2d(&framedescriptor, null, &newid3d11texture2d); 
  6. copy contents of acquired image staging buffer follows:

    m_devicecontext->copyresource(newid3d11texture2d, m_acquireddesktopimage); 
  7. important: release acquired frame using idxgioutputduplication::releaseframe()

  8. now can process newtexture (newid3d11texture2d) wish!!!!!

map if want...

this should enough answering query...if want more information, can check out msdn pages or ask through comments...


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