Puppet : How to use "defined" type as requirement inside exec -

i have defined type follows

define fill_templates() {     $filename = $name["filename"]                                                           $filelocation = $name["filelocation"]       file { "${filelocation}/${filename}/":         ensure  => present,         owner   => 'root',         group   => 'root',         mode    => '0777',         content => template("config/${filename}.erb"),     require => exec["unzip_pack"], } 


and call type as

fill_templates { $foo:} 

i want make pre-requirement exec. want make "require" exec.

exec { "strating":     user       => 'root',     environment => 'java_home=/home/agent2/jdk1.6.0',     path        => $command_path,     command    => "${agents_location}/...../bin/myfiler.sh",    logoutput => true, timeout => 3600, require =>xxxxxxxxxxx,   } 

how can ?

this should trick:

require => fill_templates[$foo], 

the capitalisation important.


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