android - efficient way to load contacts with name and phone and picture with only one query -

i have following code load contacts phones , pictures on samsung s3 device.

public static void getallcontactwithnumberandnameandphoto(context context,             arraylist<contactinfo> mcontactlist, boolean starred) {          contentresolver cr = context.getcontentresolver();          cursor cur = null;         if (starred == true) {             cur = cr.query(contactscontract.contacts.content_uri, null,                     "starred=?", new string[] { "1" }, null);         } else {              cur = cr.query(contactscontract.contacts.content_uri, null, null,                     null, null);         }         if (cur.getcount() > 0) {             while (cur.movetonext()) {                  contactinfo item = new contactinfo();                 string id = cur.getstring(cur                         .getcolumnindex(contactscontract.contacts._id));                 string name = cur                         .getstring(cur                                 .getcolumnindex(contactscontract.contacts.display_name));                 // uri photo = phoneutils.getphotourifromid(context, id);                 string starredvalue = cur.getstring(cur                         .getcolumnindex(contactscontract.contacts.starred));                 boolean isfav = false;                 if (starredvalue.equals("1"))                     isfav = true;                  if (integer                         .parseint(cur.getstring(cur                                 .getcolumnindex(contactscontract.contacts.has_phone_number))) > 0) {                     cursor pcur = cr.query(                   ,                             null,                                                        + " = ?", new string[] { id }, null);                     while (pcur.movetonext()) {                          string phoneno = pcur                                 .getstring(pcur                                         .getcolumnindex(;                         item.addphone(removecharactersfromphonenumber(phoneno));                     }                     pcur.close();                      // if (photo != null) {                     //                     // item.setphoto(photo.tostring());                     // }                      item.setname(name);                     item.setfavorite(isfav);                     item.setrecent(false);                      mcontactlist.add(item);                 }             }             cur.close();         }     } 

when run code on 1000 contacts takes 40 second load when remove part of loading multiple phones same 1000 contact, takes 1.5 second.

can 1 tell me if there efficient way load contacts phone , not let user wait time.

try this:

private cursor getcontacts() {     // run query     uri uri = contactscontract.contacts.content_uri;     string[] projection = new string[] { contactscontract.contacts._id,         contactscontract.contacts.display_name, contactscontract.contacts.photo_uri, contactscontract.contacts.photo_thumbnail_uri, }; // put items u need here     string selection = contactscontract.contacts.in_visible_group + " = '"         + ("1") + "'";     string[] selectionargs = null;     string sortorder = contactscontract.contacts.display_name         + " collate localized asc";     return getcontentresolver().query(uri, projection, selection, selectionargs,         sortorder);   } 


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