HTTP process does not continue before the execution of PHP is completed -

i have php code executes php file in background shown below. problem http process not continue before execution completed. if out appreciate it.

//process firstsearch/getinfo.php in background                             $file = "/home/cyber/public_html/firstsearch/getinfo.php";                          //set options array used command execution                         $options=array();                         $option['sleep-after-destroy']=0;                         $option['sleep-after-create']=0;                         $option['age-max']=40;                         $option['dir-run']=dirname(__file__);                         $option['step-sleep']=1;                         $option['workers-max']=(int)file_get_contents($file);                         $option['destroy-forcefull']=1;                         $workers=array();                          //description pipe declaration                         $desc = array(                             0 => array('pipe', 'r'),                             1 => array('pipe', 'w'),                             2 => array('file', 'run_errors.txt', 'a')                         );                          //generate random number file id                         $i=rand();                         //command run script                         $runcommand='php '.$file.' '.$i.' '.$child_time_limit.' > '.$option["dir-run"].'/'.$i.'.normal.log';                         //workers array of processes                         $workers[$i]=array(                                 'desc' => array(                                     0 => array("pipe", "r"),                                     1 => array("pipe", "w"),                                     2 => array("file", $i.'.error.log', "a")                                     ),                                 'pipes'                 => null,                                 'link'                  => null,                                 'start-time'    => mktime()                                 );                         //execution command                         $workers[$i]['link']=proc_open(                             $runcommand,                             array(), //$workers[$i]['desc'],                             $workers[$i]['pipes'],                             $option['dir-run']                             );                         //halt number of secs depending on set option before proceeding next line of code                         sleep($option['sleep-after-create']);                         //get status of executed script                         $proc_status=proc_get_status($workers[$i]['link']);                         //get process id of process                         $pid=trim(exec('ps h -o pid  --ppid '.$proc_status['pid']));                         //manually kill process avoid waiting execution completed before http process continues                         exec('kill -s 9 '.$proc_status['pid']);                         //close current process                         proc_close($workers[$i]['link']);                         //unregister workers array                         unset($workers[$i]);             //end of process firstsearch/getinfo.php in background 


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