javascript - How to look up and combine data in different parts of an XML source document using XSLT to create SVG visualization of a finite element mesh -
in job engineer, use a finite element analysis program analyzing buried structures in soil. underlying code excellent, ui - ability of program create , display input finite element meshes - limited, , leaves desired. attempting create better, faster viewing experience xml formatted mesh data using javascript, css , svg graphics in browser.
i think understand xml , svg. however, xslt programming experience -zilch-; w3schools tutorial has helped little bit, having trouble finding resources online go deeper in learning need know. appreciate if @ least me started in solving problem. eager learn not how it, how write own xslt transformations in future.
specific problem
my idea @ point represent each element in finite element mesh svg polygon. having trouble understanding how "look up" x , y values each node of every individual polygon , have coordinates inserted right places.
here structure of type of xml input file have work with.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <candemeshgeom> <control> <numnodes></numnodes> <!-- # of nodes --> <numelements></numelements> <!-- # of elements --> <numsoilmaterials></numsoilmaterials> <!-- # of soil materials --> <numinterfacematerials></numinterfacematerials> <!-- # of interface materials - not relevant --> <inputcheck></inputcheck> <!-- not relevant --> <numboundcond></numboundcond> <!-- # of boundary conditions - not relevant --> <numconstincr></numconstincr> <!-- # of construction increments --> <levelnum></levelnum> <!-- not relevant --> <heading></heading> <!-- mesh heading --> <meshtitle></meshtitle> <!-- title of mesh --> </control> <nodedata> <!-- of nodes listed first --> <nodecoord> <!-- node --> <nodenumber></nodenumber> <!-- integer node # --> <nodexcoord></nodexcoord> <!-- x coordinate, floating point # --> <nodeycoord></nodeycoord> <!-- y coordinate floating point # --> </nodecoord> <!-- more nodes.... --> </nodedata> <elementdata> <!-- of elements listed 2nd --> <!-- elements defined 4 nodes: i, j, k, l. note there 3 kinds of elements: beam, triangle, , quad. beam element repeats 2nd (j) node number 3 times. triangle element repeats 3rd (k) node number twice. quad element has 4 different node numbers. --> <elemconn> <elemnumber></elemnumber> <!-- each element has unique # --> <elemnode1></elemnode1> <!-- element node # (from nodes defined above) --> <elemnode2></elemnode2> <!-- element j node --> <elemnode3></elemnode3> <!-- element k node --> <elemnode4></elemnode4> <!-- element l node --> <elemmatnum></elemmatnum> <!-- element's material type # --> <elemconstrincr></elemconstrincr> <!-- element's construction increment # --> <elemtype></elemtype> <!-- type of element: beam, tria, quad --> </elemconn> <!-- more elements.... --> </elementdata> <boundarydata> <!-- boundary data isn't relevant producing graphical mesh output above --> </boundarydata> <soildata> <!-- soil data isn't relevant --> </soildata> <interfacedata> <!-- interface data isn't relevant --> </interfacedata> </candemeshgeom>
the svg file output structured this:
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" xmlns:xlink=""> <!-- <polygon> element every <elemconn> in input file --> <!-- 'points' attribute populated "looking up" <nodexcoord> , <nodeycoord> based on nod number inside of <elemnode1>, <elemnode2>, <elemnode3>, , <elemnode4> --> <polygon points="<!--elemnode1x-->, <!--elemnode1y--> <!--space--> <!--elemnode2x-->, <!--elemnode2y--> <!--space--> <!--elemnode3x-->, <!--elemnode3y--> <!--space--> <!--elemnode4x-->, <!--elemnode4y--> "/> </svg>
here example of kind of result looking produce (the different colors represent different materials). xml file associated image below can downloaded here
future plans
i want able toggle colors of elements between representing material of element or construction increment. later on try add more functionality, displaying node , element numbers, displaying boundary conditions (with labels), things that. perhaps extend capability can edit mesh in browser (right stuck editing text-based input files hand... sigh).
note: question (including title) has been heavily edited; original version broad, since didn't know asking. many @helderdarochaless , @kevin brown helping me figure out.
here's mini xml , sample xsl taste jump start creation. should started in project (which looks great one). given cut down sample xml:
<candemeshgeom> <nodedata> <nodecoord> <nodenumber>1</nodenumber> <nodexcoord>5</nodexcoord> <nodeycoord>5</nodeycoord> </nodecoord> <nodecoord> <nodenumber>2</nodenumber> <nodexcoord>10</nodexcoord> <nodeycoord>5</nodeycoord> </nodecoord> <nodecoord> <nodenumber>3</nodenumber> <nodexcoord>10</nodexcoord> <nodeycoord>10</nodeycoord> </nodecoord> <nodecoord> <nodenumber>4</nodenumber> <nodexcoord>5</nodexcoord> <nodeycoord>10</nodeycoord> </nodecoord> </nodedata> <elementdata> <elemconn> <elemnode1>1</elemnode1> <elemnode2>2</elemnode2> <elemnode3>3</elemnode3> <elemnode4>4</elemnode4> </elemconn> </elementdata> </candemeshgeom>
you use xsl:
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"> <xsl:template match="/"> <svg> <xsl:apply-templates select="//elemconn"/> </svg> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="elemconn"> <polygon> <xsl:call-template name="drawpoly"/> </polygon> </xsl:template> <xsl:template name="drawpoly"> <xsl:attribute name="points"> <xsl:call-template name="getpoint"> <xsl:with-param name="nodenum" select="elemnode1"/> </xsl:call-template> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> <xsl:call-template name="getpoint"> <xsl:with-param name="nodenum" select="elemnode2"/> </xsl:call-template> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> <xsl:call-template name="getpoint"> <xsl:with-param name="nodenum" select="elemnode3"/> </xsl:call-template> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> <xsl:call-template name="getpoint"> <xsl:with-param name="nodenum" select="elemnode4"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:attribute> </xsl:template> <xsl:template name="getpoint"> <xsl:param name="nodenum"/> <xsl:value-of select="//nodecoord[nodenumber=$nodenum]/nodexcoord"/> <xsl:text>,</xsl:text> <xsl:value-of select="//nodecoord[nodenumber=$nodenum]/nodeycoord"/> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
which yield sample output xml:
<svg><polygon points="5,5 10,5 10,10 5,10"/></svg>
you can expand on make real svg, add color ideas , more. demonstrating "lookup" need find needed x,y information element node numbers.
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