c# - SerializationExceptions in UnitTests -

i having trouble visual studio (2010) unit tests.

whenever goes wrong , exception of 1 type thrown, unittestadapter throws serializationexceptions, telling me can't deserialize exceptions thrown.

in unit tests created, these either system.data.sqlserverce.sqlceexception or nhibernate.mappingexception.

i cannot figure out why happening. research told me, common reason assemblies these types reside not available unittestadapter, when testresults-folder, see every assembly needed, including system.data.sqlserverce.dll , nhibernate.dll.

so - can debug this? need see exceptions in test results them useful in way.

when running visual studio unit tests, vstesthost process initializes , runs test.

a new appdomain gets created , base directory appdomain gets set unit test "out" directory contains assemblies , dependencies required run test.

the test directory called "testresults" , found in same directory solution file resides. within "testresults" directory find bunch of sub-directories every test run.

once unit test has completed, executing thread returns default appdomain vstesthost process. part of process returning default appdomain de-serialize objects in it’s calling context. however, basedirectory has been reset directory containing vstesthost executable "c:\program files\microsoft visual studio {version}\common7\ide".

this cause de-serialization fail since type being de-serialized cannot found in vstesthost directory. exception reads along lines of:

unit test adapter threw exception: type not resolved member 'xxx,xxx, version=2.0.3370.22002, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null'

a possible hack create directory in "c:\program files\microsoft visual studio {version}\common7\ide" called "unittestassemblies". copy required assemblies directory. manually edited vstesthost configuration file called "vstesthost.exe.config" include directory created part of it’s probing path:

<assemblybinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">  <probing privatepath="privateassemblies;publicassemblies;unittestassemblies"/> </assemblybinding> 

this force lookup directory created missing types during de-serialization.


since semms assembly binding issue iam suggest try assembly binding log viewer (fuslogvw.exe) analyze resource loading process, hope discover arcane nature of issue


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