Wicket - order of adding components in Java matters? -

i have created simple wicket form dropdownchoice, submit button , 2 textfields, in order try model-chaining. html:

    <!doctype html> <html xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org">     <head>         <meta charset="utf-8" />         <title>dropdowntest</title>     </head>     <body>               <form wicket:id="selectform">                <select wicket:id="dropdown"></select>                           <input type="submit" wicket:id="bt"/>                        <input type="text" wicket:id="age"/>             <input type="text" wicket:id="name"/>                    </form>                  </body> </html> 

and java code:

public class homepage extends webpage {     private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;      private class person implements serializable {     private int age;     private string name;      public person(){};      public person(int page, string pname) {              age = page;         name = pname;                }      public int getage() {return age;}      public void setage(int age) {this.age = age;}      public string getname() {return name;}      public void setname(string name) {this.name = name;}  }     public list<person> getpersons() {      list<person> persons = new arraylist<person>();     persons.add(new person(34, "hanna"));     persons.add(new person(17, "ivan"));     persons.add(new person(64, "carol"));        return persons; }  private form form; private dropdownchoice<person> dropdown;  public homepage(final pageparameters parameters) {     super(parameters);            model<person> personmodel = new model<person>();      dropdown = new dropdownchoice<person>("dropdown", personmodel, getpersons(),              new choicerenderer<person>("name"));      form = new form("selectform");      form.add(new textfield("name", new propertymodel(personmodel, "name")));     form.add(new textfield("age", new propertymodel(personmodel, "age")));           form.add(dropdown);      form.add(new button("bt"));           add(form); }    } 

the dropdownchoice , 2 textfields share same model (personmodel), when user selects person dropdownchoice , submits form clicking button , page reloads, 2 fields values person selected via model. works expected , no errors. now, if change order in add components form (working):

form.add(new textfield("name", new propertymodel(personmodel, "name"))); form.add(new textfield("age", new propertymodel(personmodel, "age")));       form.add(dropdown); 

to (not working)

form.add(dropdown); form.add(new textfield("name", new propertymodel(personmodel, "name"))); form.add(new textfield("age", new propertymodel(personmodel, "age"))); 

i error when submit form:

method [public int com.asbjorntest.homepage$person.getage()]. can't convert null value primitive class: int setting on com.asbjorntest.homepage$person@71460b93

i understand error comes fact submitting "age" textfield without value , can't converted int in person class. why error happen if add dropdownchoice before adding textfields in java code? or maybe should ask: why not happen when add after? order in add components form or page in java code matter, or missing here?

thanks in advance answers or clues!

i think order in html irrelevent. order in java can relevent, order of components determines how validated.

as put dropdownchoice latest, null age textfield overridden value selected in dropdown , works fine.

if put components other way around, age null (value textfield , error.

to short: be careful when multiple components edit same model value.


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