gnuplot - How to remove palette colors heatmap -

is possible if heatmap palette(small rectangle on right) removed?

this data

          b       c    1   181 80  121 10  34 20 2   18 20   17 20   13 20 3   12 20   5 30    20 20 

this gnuplot script

set term pos eps font 20 unset key set nocbtics set palette rgbformulae -7, 2, -7 set title "faults"  set size 1, 0.5 set output 'heatmap2.eps' ytics="`awk 'begin{getline}{printf "%s ",$1}' 'data2.dat'`" xtics="`head -1 'data2.dat'`" set [i=1:words(xtics)] xtics ( word(xtics,i) i-1 ) set [i=1:words(ytics)] ytics ( word(ytics,i) i-1 )  set [i=1:words(xtics)] xtics ( word(xtics,i) 2*i-1 ) plot "<awk '{$1=\"\"}1' 'data2.dat' | sed '1 d'" matrix every 2::1 w image, \      '' matrix using ($1+1):2:(sprintf('%d', $3)) every 2 labels 

i want remove palette because adjust ploting colors percentage of data. so, guess palette on right table use anymore. thanks

that colorbox. use

unset colorbox 

to remove it.


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