c# - Make MVC not post back one of the members in the model which is an interface -

i have view model looks this:

class myviewmodel {   public string stuff { get; set; }    public ifoo foo { get; set; } } 

the requests work fine because supply both, stuff , ifoo view.

however, when posting back, mvc says can't make object of interface.

now, have 2 options:

a) change type of foo property concrete implementation, no big deal; or

b) model binding myself, overkill want. don't care posting ifoo member.

how tell mvc not post ifoo? don't have html controls representing ifoo. properties ifoo, use hidden thingies in view.

you can exclude properties binding.

via model

[bind(exclude="foo")] class myviewmodel {     public string stuff { get; set; }      public ifoo foo { get; set; } } 

via action

[httppost] public actionresult mygreataction([bind(exclude="foo")]myviewmodel model) {  } 


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