python - How to call a function from a class from another class in kivy Pong ball game -

i'm practicing kivy ponggame code given in tutorial. want know how call function - serve_ball2() in class ponggame newly created class - pongsample. in below code created class pongsample serve second ball once first ball collide paddle.

update : can call serve_ball2() pongsample serve_ball2() doesn't function intended i.e doesn't serve ball.

i've shared complete code below. in advance

from import app kivy.uix.widget import widget import numericproperty, referencelistproperty,\     objectproperty kivy.vector import vector kivy.clock import clock, time threading import thread  class pongpaddle(widget):     score = numericproperty(0)      def bounce_ball(self, ball):         if self.collide_widget(ball):             vx, vy = ball.velocity             offset = (ball.center_y - self.center_y) / (self.height / 2)             bounced = vector(-1 * vx, vy)             vel = bounced * 1.1             ball.velocity = vel.x, vel.y + offset             pongsample().call_game()  class pongball(widget):     velocity_x = numericproperty(0)     velocity_y = numericproperty(0)     velocity = referencelistproperty(velocity_x, velocity_y)      def move(self):         self.pos = vector(*self.velocity) + self.pos  class pongsample(widget):     def call_game(self):         print 'pongsample'         ponggame=ponggame()         ponggame.serve_ball2()  class ponggame(widget):     ball = objectproperty(none)     ball2 = objectproperty(none)     player1 = objectproperty(none)     player2 = objectproperty(none)      def serve_ball(self, vel=(4, 0)): =         self.ball.velocity = vel      def serve_ball2(self, vel=(3, 0)):           print 'serve_ball2' =         self.ball2.velocity = vel      def serve_down(self):         print 'inside serve down' =         self.ball.velocity = vector(4,0).rotate(-90)      def update(self, dt):         self.ball.move()         self.ball2.move()          #bounce of paddles         self.player1.bounce_ball(self.ball)         self.player2.bounce_ball(self.ball)          #bounce ball off bottom or top         if (self.ball.y < self.y) or ( >             self.ball.velocity_y *= -1         if (self.ball2.y < self.y) or ( >             self.ball2.velocity_y *= -1          #went of side score point?         if self.ball.x < self.x:             self.player2.score += 1             self.serve_ball(vel=(4, 0))         if self.ball.x > self.width:             self.player1.score += 1             self.serve_ball(vel=(-4, 0))          if self.ball2.x < self.x:             self.player2.score += 1             self.serve_ball2(vel=(3, 0))         if self.ball2.x > self.width:             self.player1.score += 1             self.serve_ball2(vel=(-3, 0))      def on_touch_move(self, touch):         if touch.x < self.width / 3:             self.player1.center_y = touch.y         if touch.x > self.width - self.width / 3:             self.player2.center_y = touch.y  class pongapp(app):     def build(self):         game = ponggame()         game.serve_ball()         clock.schedule_interval(game.update, 1.0 / 60.0)         return game  if __name__ == '__main__':     pongapp().run() 


    #:kivy 1.8.0  <pongball>:     size: 50, 50      canvas:         ellipse:             pos: self.pos             size: self.size            <pongpaddle>:     size: 25, 200     canvas:         rectangle:             pos:self.pos             size:self.size  <ponggame>:     ball: pong_ball     ball2: pong_ball2     player1: player_left     player2: player_right      canvas:         rectangle:             pos: self.center_x-5, 0             size: 10, self.height      label:         font_size: 70           center_x: root.width / 4         top: - 50         text: str(root.player1.score)      label:         font_size: 70           center_x: root.width * 3 / 4         top: - 50         text: str(root.player2.score)      pongball:         id: pong_ball         center:      pongball:         id: pong_ball2         center:      pongpaddle:         id: player_left         x: root.x         center_y: root.center_y      pongpaddle:         id: player_right         x: root.width-self.width         center_y: root.center_y 

to use class add game.serve_ball2() to pongapp

class pongapp(app):     def build(self):         game = ponggame()         game.serve_ball()         game.serve_ball2()         clock.schedule_interval(game.update, 1.0 / 60.0)         return game 

and add self.ball2 bounce off paddles:

#bounce of paddles self.player1.bounce_ball(self.ball) self.player2.bounce_ball(self.ball) self.player1.bounce_ball(self.ball2) self.player2.bounce_ball(self.ball2) 


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