f# - Web Pages issue with azure when servicestack is deployed -

i trying deploy servicestack application azure website. application asp.net host , razor view engine.

here final deployed version. , github project

now, working fine in local without issue. giving problem after deployment. if forcefully load assembly in web.config azure can't load it. , if don't servicestack crashed nullpointer exception.

i checked application setting, per azure sites running webpages version 3.x.x.x.

please let me know if further information needed.

here stack trace of error

[nullreferenceexception: object reference not set instance of object.]    servicestack.httphandlerfactory..cctor() +336  [typeinitializationexception: type initializer 'servicestack.httphandlerfactory' threw exception.]    servicestack.httphandlerfactory..ctor() +0  [targetinvocationexception: exception has been thrown target of invocation.]    system.runtimetypehandle.createinstance(runtimetype type, boolean publiconly, boolean nocheck, boolean& canbecached, runtimemethodhandleinternal& ctor, boolean& bneedsecuritycheck) +0    system.runtimetype.createinstanceslow(boolean publiconly, boolean skipcheckthis, boolean fillcache, stackcrawlmark& stackmark) +113    system.runtimetype.createinstancedefaultctor(boolean publiconly, boolean skipcheckthis, boolean fillcache, stackcrawlmark& stackmark) +232    system.activator.createinstance(type type, boolean nonpublic) +83    system.runtimetype.createinstanceimpl(bindingflags bindingattr, binder binder, object[] args, cultureinfo culture, object[] activationattributes, stackcrawlmark& stackmark) +1136    system.activator.createinstance(type type, bindingflags bindingattr, binder binder, object[] args, cultureinfo culture, object[] activationattributes) +128    system.activator.createinstance(type type, bindingflags bindingattr, binder binder, object[] args, cultureinfo culture) +18    system.web.httpruntime.createnonpublicinstance(type type, object[] args) +60    system.web.configuration.handlerfactorycache..ctor(string type) +46    system.web.httpapplication.getfactory(string type) +86    system.web.materializehandlerexecutionstep.system.web.httpapplication.iexecutionstep.execute() +262    system.web.httpapplication.executestep(iexecutionstep step, boolean& completedsynchronously) +155 

[update] guess issue not on servicestack side. things working fine if deploy c# version of it. make compile on azure there need add below code in fsproj file.

<import project="$(vstoolspath)\webapplications\microsoft.webapplication.targets"          condition="'$(vstoolspath)' != ''" /> <import project="$(msbuildextensionspath32)\microsoft\visualstudio\v11.0\webapplications\microsoft.webapplication.targets"          condition="true" /> 

i manage solve issue. have put details on my blog.

basically due weird reason couldn't access global.asax file. so, moved start code of servicestack signalr , things started working.


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