c++ - first and last char in multiple strings -

please guys need help! need compare first , last char in multiple strings. have no clue how that. strings kind of generated randomly.

for example: user types differents strings , program needs compare first , last charachter of each string . example: 3 strings. "money" "dad" "generating".

... goal positive value on "dad" , "generating" cuz first char , last char of string "dad" , "generating" same. begginer. please help.

here code have stuck. sry bad english. :(

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  char funkcija() {     file *c;     c = fopen("datoteka.txt", "r");     if (c == null) {         printf("error in opening!");         getch();         exit(1);     }      int = 0;     char polje[100];     while (fscanf(c, "%s", polje) == 1) {         int duljina = strlen(polje);         if (polje[0] == polje[duljina - 1]) {             i++;         }     }      printf("rezultat je: %d", i); }  int main() {      funkcija();     getch();     return 0; }  first of thank help. rly sorry if asked wrong question or if wasnt      clear enough. try put part of code botthers me most.  if(array[0]==array[length-1]){                    i++;                    }    here`once again rly sorry bad explanation of problem :/ 

1) use std::string

2) put logic in function

3) check empty strings

#include <iostream> using namespace std;  bool hasfirstandlastcharequal(const std::string& s) {     if(s.empty())         return false;     return  s.front() == s.back(); }  int main() {     cout << hasfirstandlastcharequal("money") << endl;     cout << hasfirstandlastcharequal("dad") << endl;     cout << hasfirstandlastcharequal("generating") << endl; } 


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