android - Service gets stops after closing an Activity in which it is created? -

i have created service , started using activity on button click, service gets stops after closes activity. should keep running service without gets stopped?

public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.main);   }  public void startservice(view v){     intent = new intent(this, notstickyservice.class);     startservice(i); }    public void stopservice(view v){     intent = new intent(this, notstickyservice.class);     stopservice(i); }

public class notstickyservice extends service{      mediaplayer mp;       @override     public void oncreate() {         showtoast("oncreate");         super.oncreate();       }      @override     public int onstartcommand(intent intent, int flags, int startid) {         showtoast("onstart");         mp = new mediaplayer();          assetfiledescriptor descriptor;     descriptor = getassets().openfd("msg.mp3");         mp.setdatasource(descriptor.getfiledescriptor(),              descriptor.getstartoffset(),descriptor.getlength());                                                                descriptor.close();             mp.prepare();             mp.start();         return service.start_sticky;     }      @override     public void ondestroy() {         super.ondestroy();             showtoast("ondestroy");             }      private void showtoast(string message){         toast toast = toast.maketext(this, message, toast.length_short);;     } } 


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