symfony - Method return value as service parameter -

i'm trying use method-return-value di-parameter. concrete use-case have service has logic of calculating users-country-code like:


on other hand have many services depend on country like:

$foo = new foo('uk'); $bar = new bar('usa'); 

i know can inject user service foo / bar, creates odd dependency these services don't need user need country-code.

is there way me write service-description along lines of:     class: foo     arguments:       - @user.getcountrycode 

edit: i'm using symfony 2.4 yml configuration.

service factory method (compatible symfony2 versions)

service definitions:

# services.yml  foofactory:   class: foo\foobundle\service\foofactory   arguments: [@user_country_code_calc_service]  fooservice:   class: foo\foobundle\service\fooservice   factory_service: foofactory   factory_method: create 

and factory:

// foofactory.php  class foofactory {     private $countrycodecalculator;      public function __construct(usercountrycodecalculator $countrycodecalculator)     {         $this->countrycodecalculator = $countrycodecalculator;     }      public function create()     {         $countrycode = $this->countrycodecalculator->calculate(...);          return new fooservice($countrycode);     } } 

now when inject @foofactory in of services, symfony call foofactory::create , inject method's result it.


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