javascript - Having trouble with createElement and appendChild -

i have reasonably simple idea implement.

i have array of objects 2 properties: "id" , "name" list these in series of "p" tags within "div".

so here html:

<body>     <div id="listview"></div> </body> 

and here javascript in tag:

sessionstorage.eventid = 2; var playerlist = []; playerlist[0].id = 0; playerlist[0].name = "add new player"; playerlist.push({     id: 5,     name: "asako" }); playerlist.push({     id: 6,     name: "james" }); playerlist.push({     id: 7,     name: "brian" }); playerlist.push({     id: 8,     name: "helmut spargle" });  function listall() {     var element = document.getelementbyid("listview");     var div;     var node;     (var = 0; < playerlist.length; i++) {         div = document.createelement("div");         div.setattribute("onclick", "javascript: formover(" + playerlist[i].id + ")");         node = "<p>" + playerlist[i].name + "<br />\n" +         "<small>&nbsp</small>\n" +         "</p>\n";         div.appendchild(node);         element.appendchild(div);     } } window.onload = function(){     listall(); } 

this doesn't fill anything. have put on jsfiddle well.

have misunderstood how array.push works? or appendchile , createelement?

thanks in advance help.

two problems - front, trying set id , name on playerlist[0] (which doesn't exist yet) won't work.

second, trying add whole "node" full of html, jquery-style, doesn't work in plain-js world. need build individual elements.

sessionstorage.eventid = 2; var playerlist = [];  playerlist.push({     id: 0,     name: "add new player" }); playerlist.push({     id: 5,     name: "asako" }); playerlist.push({     id: 6,     name: "james" }); playerlist.push({     id: 7,     name: "brian" }); playerlist.push({     id: 8,     name: "helmut spargle" });  function listall() {      var element = document.getelementbyid("listview");     var div = document.createelement("div");     var node = "some string";     (var = 0; < playerlist.length; i++) {         div = document.createelement("div");         div.setattribute("onclick", "formover(" + playerlist[i].id + ")");          var p = document.createelement('p');         p.innerhtml = playerlist[i].name;          var br = document.createelement('br');         p.appendchild(br);          var small = document.createelement('small');         small.innerhtml = '&nbsp;';         p.appendchild(small);          div.appendchild(p);          element.appendchild(div);     } } listall(); 



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