hadoop - How to give equations in Apache pig -

i trying value equation

--counted gives total row count in file samplecount = counted*(10/100); 

how sample data according this

--load data examples = load '/home/sreeveni/myfiles/pe/uscensus1990new.csv' ;  --group data groupedbyuser = group examples all;  --count no of lines in file  counted = foreach groupedbyuser generate count(examples) ;  --sampling sampled = sample examples counted*(10/100); store sampled '/home/sreeveni/myfiles/out/samplesout'; 

showing error in above line

invalid scalar projection: counted : column needs projected relation used scalar

please advice.

am doing wrong.

i guess sample works number between [0,1]. in case, exceeding required value. if want 10% of data, pass 0.1 directly , in code, find percentage in foreach statement only.


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