android - R.drawable.icon - cannot find symbol -

i have on code:

    notification notification = new notification.builder(extension.maincontext)         .setcontenttitle(title).setsmallicon(r.drawable.icon)         .setcontenttext(message)         .setcontentintent(pintent).build(); 

when try compile it, happens:

[javac] /.../ cannot find symbol [javac] symbol  : variable icon [javac] location: class android.r.drawable [javac]             .setcontenttitle(title).setsmallicon(r.drawable.icon) 

everywhere on google says should put icon.png on res/drawable folder. i'm using haxe/openfl generates folders resolutions: drawable-hdpi, drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-xhdpi, , file in of them. thought lack of actual "drawable" folder, i've manually created , didn't help.

does think of else impacting this?


what import statement r says in class? looks you're importing android.r when want import yourpackage.r, or not import r @ (should default package)


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