android - Getting error with SmackAndroid.init(context) -

i trying create room using asmack muc. have connect() method connects xmpp server no problem (below).  public void connect() {                  connectionconfiguration connconfig = new connectionconfiguration(host,         port, service);         xmppconnection connection = new xmppconnection(connconfig);          try {             connection.connect();             log.i("xmppchatdemoactivity",                     "connected " + connection.gethost());         } catch (xmppexception ex) {             log.e("xmppchatdemoactivity",                     "failed connect " + connection.gethost());             log.e("xmppchatdemoactivity", ex.tostring());             setconnection(null);         }         try {             connection.login(username, password);             log.i("xmppchatdemoactivity",                     "logged in " + connection.getuser());              presence presence = new presence(presence.type.available);             connection.sendpacket(presence);             setconnection(connection);          } catch (xmppexception ex) {             log.e("xmppchatdemoactivity", "failed log in " + username);             log.e("xmppchatdemoactivity", ex.tostring());             setconnection(null);         }     }  when try use .create function in createroom method below:                  private void createroom() {         multiuserchat muc = new multiuserchat(connection,                 "name@conference.<myxmppserver>");         try {             if (connection != null) {                 muc.create("testroom");                 form form = muc.getconfigurationform();                 form submitform = form.createanswerform();                 (iterator fields = form.getfields(); fields.hasnext();) {                     formfield field = (formfield);                     if (!formfield.type_hidden.equals(field.gettype())                             && field.getvariable() != null) {                         submitform.setdefaultanswer(field.getvariable());                     }                 }                 submitform.setanswer("muc#roomconfig_publicroom", true);                 muc.sendconfigurationform(submitform);             }         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     } 

it gives me classcastexception error, solution here: classcastexception when creating muc room xmpp group chat using asmack

however when add

            context context = getapplicationcontext();     smackandroid.init(context); 

to beginning of connect() method, getting error:

java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: org.jivesoftware.smack.smackandroid

but have added asmack library containing class smackandroid build path in eclipse. not sure how solve problem since class seems in build path @ compile time, isn't found @ runtime. suggestions? thank you!

in response question:

java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: org.jivesoftware.smack.smackandroid

but have added asmack library containing class smackandroid build path in eclipse. not sure how solve problem since class seems in build path @ compile time, isn't found @ runtime. suggestions? thank you!

have tried setting asmack library under properties > java build path > order , export menus? (not libraries tab) seems compile without error then.



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